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Blog Carnivals

Young Invincibles- What Getting Covered Means for Young People

September 20, 2010
September 23 is the day that an important part of the new health care law- a provision that allows young adults to stay on their parent's insurance until age 2- becomes law. It's the day that many young Americans will gain the security and peace of mind that comes with knowing you can get covered...
Aaron Smith's picture

Not all moms want to work less

September 9, 2010
In the months before my first son was born in 2007, I contemplated many things. One big one: how does “maternity leave” work when you’re self-employed? After talking with a number of self-employed moms, I came to the conclusion (as I wrote about in a HuffPo piece:

Unions and the Four Hour Work Week

September 3, 2010
Have you looked at “ The 4-Hour Workweek ” by Timonty Ferriss? This book is meant for current and would-be entrepreneurs looking to “Escape the 9-5, live anywhere and join the new rich.” At first glance, Ferriss’ ideas on generating passive streams of income, mini retirements and remote work from...
Jenya Cassidy's picture

Start Up a Conversation in Your Community!

September 1, 2010
This March, we were thrilled to be part of the White House Forum on Workplace Flexibility . Through the President and First Lady’s leadership, the Obama Administration launched a national conversation on how innovative workplace flexibility strategies can help support working families and – at the...

The Best-Kept Secret?

September 1, 2010
Front-line employees are the backbone of industry. Many are also parents. When a mother or father comes home from a workday, one or both make dinner, help the kids with homework, read stories at bed-time – all working parents know we have both the role of employee and parent to fulfill. The vast...

We're Not Asking for the Moon

September 1, 2010
I have a friend in the professional services sector in New York, working in one of those pressure-cooker 24/7 type of environments I wrote about recently . In fact I have a whole lot of friends in these industries. They work insane hours and are, for the most part, remunerated very well. Most of...

Back to Work? Not So Fast...

August 31, 2010
Consider a headline story in the New York Times from July 31, 1910, exactly one hundred years and one month ago: HOW LONG SHOULD A MAN’S VACATION BE? PRESIDENT TAFT SAYS EVERY ONE SHOULD HAVE THREE MONTHS. I’m not making this up. Three months! President Taft! The conservative Republican President...

But that’s impossible!

August 31, 2010
When I decided to leave my job of 25 years and move with my family to San Francisco, my husband told me he was going to talk with the Chair of his Board and resign a job he loved. I suggested an alternative. "Why don't you say, I am staying with the organization, but I'm moving to San Francisco?"...
Joan C. Williams's picture

How to Avoid the No.1 Cause of "Death" in Your Organization - the Death of Motivation

August 31, 2010
How many times have you heard the advice, “keep your eye on the ball,” or “don’t look where you don’t want to go?” In every sport that uses a ball, it’s common knowledge that a singular point of concentration— the ball—is imperative to successfully hitting that mark. What happens when two different...

Work Life Policy: Pipedream or Practical?

August 31, 2010
Ms. Winegar knows this first hand as she has had the unique opportunity of witnessing work life culture from across the globe. She dishes on her thoughts on legislation, the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), the vagaries of enforcement and even the daddy issue – the pipedream of paternity leave on a regular basis as you’ll watch in this week’s WorkLife Nation episode.
