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Blog Carnivals

A Note to the U.S. Supreme Court on What Sexism Looks Like Today

April 12, 2011
Just to show you how important it is to have women in leadership positions, including the U.S. Supreme Court, the court appears to be divided among gender lines in the Dukes v. Wal-Mart sex discrimination case. From the Los Angeles Times : “Led by Justices Anthony M. Kennedy and Antonin Scalia, the...
Elisa Batista's picture

Paycheck Fairness Now!

April 12, 2011
On April 12, 2011, the nation observes Equal Pay Day to symbolize that women have to work a year plus more than three months to equal what men make in just one year, on average. This past year women were paid 77 cents for every dollar paid to men in the U.S. For women of color, the gap is even...
Linda Meric's picture

The Health Care Law- A Year Later: Reflections

March 24, 2011
As I've been thinking about what angle to take when writing my blog post to mark the one year anniversary of the Affordable Care Act, I've reflected on the many posts I've already written about the law and its benefits, both for me personally, and writ large. And then it struck me, there are numerous reasons to celebrate this law, and like the hokey-pokey, that's what it’s all about!

Remembering (Black) History Through My Mother and Grandmother

February 28, 2011
Black History has always been a big part of my life. My father was a history professor and specialized in African and African-American History. So you know Black History Month was like Halloween or Easter for my family – a big deal and a real commemoration of past, present and future. I still...
cheryl's picture

Black History Month and Love

February 25, 2011
When my daughter, Leah, was about five years old, a family friend gave her a doll as a birthday present. It was a gift that would lead to one of the worst arguments I ever had with my little girl. The doll was black, but it had long, straight hair. I did not want my daughter spending hours combing—...
Enola Aird's picture

Celebrating Black Motherhood and Families: A Black History Month Blog Carnival

February 24, 2011
Welcome to the MomsRising blog carnival celebrating Black History Month! Black History Month offers us all a chance to come together and share the many ways we learn about the past and how we pass on our experiences to the next generation. We can lift up unsung heroes and notable characters from...
Avis Jones-DeWeever's picture

My grandmother is the original badass.

February 24, 2011
My grandmother is the original badass. I can’t even imagine holding a candle to her or the unapologetic, full throttle life she’s led. I don’t remember the first meeting with my grandmother, Miss Adele, when I was still in swaddling clothes. She told me some years later, that she knew that I needed...

Being an African American woman in America

February 24, 2011
I have had the great privilege and blessing of being an African American woman in America. Some would consider this a curse because it has been a difficult and challenging walk, but I am truly proud and thankful to be black. It has made me strong. I stand on the backs of giants and a people who...

The Legacy

February 24, 2011
This month is a special time of the year for me, not exactly like Christmas or Thanksgiving, but a time to reflect on family and the legacy that was left behind by my great grandfather, Charlie Sharp. My great grandfather was born in the 1800s and was an indentured slave. He overcame many struggles...
Carrie Smith's picture

My One and Only

February 24, 2011
Recently several dear friends have written to tell me of their number twos on the way. Each note registers as a tiny shock to my system. I saw these children coming; I expected them in the natural course of things. But I always thought I would respond with my own exclamation, my little bit of...
