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Childcare & Early Education

Our Kids Deserve A Digital Detox

February 14, 2011
Whenever I ponder of the excess of technology in today’s society, I think of a posting on my friend’s Facebook page complaining that her kids were driving her crazy as they waited in line for ice cream. It seemed obvious to me why her kids were acting up--they wanted her to stop the constant mobile...
Tanya Schevitz's picture

Ahh the power of the glue stick!

February 10, 2011
Here's the deal: Roses, champagne flutes, glittery gems and jewelry--all great. But these days, I'm all about a different kind of Valentine's Day: Red construction paper hearts, lopsided, and shaped by small hands wielding safety scissors, glue sticks, and glitter. Let's face it. Lopsided glitter...
Sarah Francis's picture

Competitive Mothering Takes a Hit

February 5, 2011
From Your (Wo)manInWashington blog MOTHERS changing the conversation @ With an eyebrow firmly raised at all the Tiger Mother brouhaha, I was delighted to find this post from Cameron Macdonald , an Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of Wisconsin-...
Valerie Young's picture

A Parent’s Decision to Empower thru Sports

February 3, 2011
Getting a child into sports and keeping them there is one of the best decisions a parent will make. While your kids do it for the fun, research on the life-long benefits of a sports experience gives parents even more motivation to schlep kids to those practices. Contrary to the “dumb jock” myth,...
Nancy Hogshead-Makar's picture

Indiscriminate Budget Cuts at What Toll?

February 2, 2011
The recent House proposal to slash domestic spending to 2008 levels would mean millions lost in funding for early childhood programs. It’s easy to give short shrift to this number when discussing it broadly and in the abstract. After all, there is wide agreement that balance needs to be restored to...
Hannah Matthews's picture

A Compelling Argument for Public School Choice

February 1, 2011
Inside scoop : I facebooked and tweeted the story about the Ohio mom who became a convicted felon after she used her parents' address to send her daughters to a public school there. According to a very close source, the mother was an employee at the Akron schools district she refused to send her...
Elisa Batista's picture

WANTED TODAY: 51 MOMS CHARGED UP ABOUT EDUCATION! Share your concerns with Arne Duncan at Parenting’s Mom Congress this April

January 31, 2011
Have you devoted countless hours of your time at school board meetings, or talking with school officials to help make your school as good as it can be? Do you know a mom who has fought tirelessly to protect your school from budget cuts? Or a parent who stood up to school policy when it didn’t make...


January 31, 2011
As you've likely seen in the news, Ohio mom, Kelley Williams-Bolar, recently went to jail for sending her kids to a highly ranked school near where her father lives, which was out of her home school district.[1] She was trying to give her children a better life. Now, as a convicted felon, helping...
Kristin's picture

A Powerful Education Reform Tool - Kindergarten Readiness Data

January 20, 2011
Understanding whether or not children are ready to succeed when they walk through the kindergarten door is one of the most difficult questions to answer. Washington only begins to collect consistent student progress data at the end of 3rd grade. By the time the state reports this data, the students are buying school supplies for 4th grade. Unfortunately we know this is too late.

The Gender Politics of Education Reform

January 20, 2011
Education reform: I fervently believe women who are in the schools every day--as parent volunteers, and as teachers--have a great deal to tell policymakers what works and what doesn't. What we need is a pointilist approach: steady application of dots of information about how schools are working--or not working--that add up to a big picture. We need it from parents, students, and educators themselves.
Cynthia Liu's picture
