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Environmental Health

Your doctor and nurse carry a chemical burden just like yours..and your children's

October 8, 2009
If your doctor is blase' about toxic chemicals, give him a copy of this report.

UPDATED! Dear Kraft-- a form letter isn't good enough.

October 6, 2009
In August more than 32,000 MomsRising members and sent a letter to the CEO of Kraft asking her to keep harmful chemicals out of Mac and Cheese. Here's the main point of the letter: I applaud the decision you made to remove synthetic growth hormones, artificial colorings like yellow #5, and chemical...
Sarah Francis's picture

My Mother Made Me Fat

September 29, 2009
If it hadn’t been for the Big Macs that Joannie ate pretty much three times a week, she wouldn’t have gotten fat. If she hadn’t been exposed while in her mother’s womb to chemicals x, y and z, Joannie wouldn’t have had the propensity to get fat. And if Joannie’s mom had eaten more sensibly, both...

Rub a Dub Dub: Watch out for chemical-induced rashes in the tub

September 23, 2009
The products are advertised as “extra gentle” and “for sensitive skin,” yet new medical papers indicate that many children’s bath products contain a chemical preservative that can cause chronic skin problems that are often misdiagnosed as eczema or other diseases. Quaternium 15 - a chemical found...

We all want Healthy Stuff!

September 17, 2009
Do you have friends or co-workers who use women's handbags, buy children's toys, car seats, or even have a pet or two? Well, yeah, that covers just about everyone we know! None of us want these products to expose us to toxic chemicals that are associated with health problems, but it turns out some...
Ariana Kelly's picture On the Go

September 16, 2009
Searching for a new car? Back to school clothes shopping with the kids? Don’t miss out on the new Healthy Stuff database just because you’re on the go!
Claire Moshenberg's picture

CA Assembly Fails to Pass BPA Bill

September 14, 2009
As you all know, I and other members on the MomsRising team have been fervently working to pass a bill in California that would help eliminate the toxic chemical bisphenol A (BPA) in plastic baby and toddler products like bottles and sippy cups. I thought I would let you know how the vote went on...
Elisa Batista's picture

The Foxes Guarding the Chickens: BPA, EPA & the Chemical Makers

September 12, 2009
This week would have been a great occasion to have a camera crew at the National Institutes of Health, to capture EPA officials meeting with the densest gathering ever of the cream of America’s toxic chemical producers and users. They came together – with no sign that the new administration had...

Urgent -- CA Toxics Bill Needs Your Help Now!

September 10, 2009
The California State Assembly has until today to pass a bill, SB 797, that would ban the toxic chemical bisphenol A (BPA) from baby products like bottles and formula cans. As the Los Angeles Times noted today , the formula and packaging industry have launched a ferocious campaign against this bill...
Elisa Batista's picture

A New Pediatrics to Heal Sick Children (and Keep Well Kids Healthy)

September 10, 2009
A New Pediatrics to Heal Sick Children (and Keep Well Kids Healthy) If your baby were suffering from colic, would you treat him with artificially dyed and sweetened simethicone (the chemical in drugs such as Mylanta and Mylicon) or first try an emulsion of fennel seed oil? If your young daughter...
