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Family Economic Security

The California minimum wage needs your voice now!

June 19, 2014
The California Assembly is considering a raise in the minimum wage from $8/hour to $13/hour by 2017. We need California families to speak up for hard-working moms and dads!
Elyssa Schmier's picture

You're Invited: SEIU Facebook Chat on Working Families

June 19, 2014
Today, too many working Americans are falling further and further behind. Thanks to decades of failed policies, there just aren’t enough good jobs with good pay or access to quality, affordable child care and health care services for enough of America’s workers. How can we begin to fix this? It’s a...
Courtney-Rose Dantus's picture

Beyond Summit, Sustained Focus Needed for Working Women and Families

June 18, 2014
Next week, people from all over the country will convene in Washington, D.C.—and many more will log in to participate virtually—at a White House Summit on Working Families. Under the banner of “creating a 21st century workplace that works for all Americans,” we’ll hear from businesses, economists,...
Liz Shuler's picture

Moms deserve to bond with their nuggets without losing sleep

June 18, 2014
When I found out I was expecting the best thing ever (my baby boy!) I had just turned 23 years old. I had finally moved out on my own with my husband and been employed with my company going on two years. Unfortunately, my joy was short lived and I was rapidly overwhelmed with worries about money...
Stephanie Montanez's picture

Calling Young Artists! National Contest to Raise Awareness About Poverty

June 16, 2014
With the swipe of a paintbrush or click of a camera, your child can make a difference in the fight to end poverty. Not only that, they have the chance to win exciting prizes, and have their artwork showcased in a national campaign. As part of our mission to build the political and public will to...
Melissa Boteach's picture
Take Action!

Promised Labor Protections for Home Care Workers in Jeopardy

June 13, 2014
This week marks the seventh anniversary of the 2007 U.S. Supreme Court decision Coke vs. Long Island Care at Home . In that case, Evelyn Coke, a Jamaican immigrant who had been a home care worker for over two decades, sought payment of back wages from her employer for unpaid overtime. Ms. Coke lost...
Jodi Sturgeon's picture
Meet Up!

Working families need YOU on Capitol Hill June 24th!!

June 11, 2014
On Monday, June 23rd, MomsRising members from across the country are coming to Washington, D.C. to deliver kites to the President on how our families need a lift because outdated Mad Men-era, work place policies are hurting our families and our nation’s economic security.
Elyssa Schmier's picture

When You Shop, Think About Moms in Retail

June 10, 2014
Last week, moms who work at Walmart walked off the job across the country. Joined by co-workers and allies, they have been calling for respect and decent wages—at least $25,000 a year—and demanding an end to retaliation against employees who speak out for better working conditions. They also took...
Liz Shuler's picture

Way to Go Colorado! Much Needed Child Care Assistance Signed into Law in the Centennial State

June 9, 2014
Newsflash: Child care is expensive . In a majority of states, the cost of child care for an infant exceeds the cost of public college tuition . That cost pinches the wallets of all families with young children in paid child care. For low-income families, it’s much more than a pinch— on average,...
Susanna Birdsong's picture

Pre-K in PA Crosses Party Lines

June 9, 2014
Early childhood education continues to receive growing support from within Pennsylvania. Through the statewide Pre-K for PA campaign, educators and community leaders are not the only ones expressing a commitment to investing in the state's youngest learners. Former Gov. Ed Rendell (D) and Former...
Mary E. Mannix's picture
