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Family Economic Security

Not just one mother's battle

August 2, 2014
Today's is the first day of 2014 World Breastfeeding Week. Just earlier this year, Iowa Public Radio broadcasted a remarkable story about Linda Eaton. Eaton was an Iowa City Firefighter. Thirty-five years ago, she continued to breastfeed her child at work against orders from her supervisor, and a breastfeeding discussion was launched locally and gained national attention.
To-wen Tseng's picture

Professor Epstein Wants People to Take Jobs at 2 Cents an Hour

August 2, 2014
Extreme opposition to fair wages knows no bounds - and has proponents in Congress; but in the real world, the Live the Wage challenge shows how badly an increase is needed.
Debbie Weinstein's picture

Rep. Ryan's Poverty Plan - Reactions and Resources

August 2, 2014
Easy links to learn about Ryan's poverty plan - and the hard questions that must be asked about it.
Debbie Weinstein's picture

Expanding Social Security is a Women’s Issue – Let’s Fight Back Against Cuts and Protect Our Future

August 2, 2014
This week, the Social Security Trustees released their annual report about Social Security’s finances. As usual, opponents jumped all over it, sounding the alarm bells and calling for drastic cuts. But they got it all wrong: rather than cutting Social Security we need to expand it in ways that would benefit everyone, and particularly women, who rely on the program so much.
Allegra Baider's picture

¡Anunciando Ganadoras del Sorteo! - Celebrando lanzamiento de MamásConPoder!

August 1, 2014
Queremos agradecer a todas las personas que participaron en el sorteo de para celebrar el lanzamiento de nuestra nueva página en español Mamá . Tuvimos una respuesta extraordinaria por parte de toda la comunidad, mucha gente participó en el sorteo de dos regalos grátis,...
Xochitl Oseguera's picture

Pídale al Congreso que Suba el Salario Mínimo

July 30, 2014
Una de las realidades de hoy en día es que las mujeres toman tres cuartos de las decisiones de compras en nuestra economía, y cuando las personas no tienen dinero para gastar, nuestra economía sufre como consecuencia.
Elyssa Schmier's picture

Living on $7.25: A Challenge for Us All

July 30, 2014
To highlight just how difficult it is to live on $7.25 – around $15,000 a year for a full-time worker – a host of advocacy groups including MomsRising and the National Employment Law Project (where I work) has issued a challenge: try it.
Arun Ivatury's picture

Sign now: Congress→ Raise the minimum wage

July 24, 2014
Today marks the five year anniversary since the last time the federal minimum wage was raised. Workers making only $15,080 per year haven't seen a raise in five long years. This is hurting women, families, and our economy. It's time to tell Congress to #RaisetheWage!
Elyssa Schmier's picture

House Set to Vote on Child Tax Credit Improvement* Act (*Improvement Not Included)

July 23, 2014
Improvement. It’s a subjective word, I guess. Otherwise how does H.B. 4935 get to call itself the Child Tax Credit Improvement Act of 2014? The House is set to vote on the bill this week , and although it sounds like a winner, for millions of low-income working families it is exactly the opposite...
Susanna Birdsong's picture
