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Family Economic Security

Secret Life of FMLA: Shifting the Family Leave Conversation from She to We

October 2, 2014
I was out the other night with some of my colleagues and we were discussing ideas about what could help create a more supportive work culture at our university. The only two women at the table spoke about the need for more family friendly workplaces, specifically the need for paid family leave. We...
Meredith Tweed's picture

Wrong, Wrong, Wrong

September 24, 2014
Well, they did it again. Senate Republican leaders last week blocked Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s (D-Mass.) bill that would let students refinance their college loans. It’s not the first time. They also did it in June. Don’t they understand that student loan debt is an emergency? It totals $1.2 trillion...
Liz Shuler's picture

Semana Nacional de Alfabetización para Adultos

September 23, 2014
La semana de alfabetización para adultos se llevó a cabo este mes con el propósito de crear conciencia sobre el importante papel que juega la educación básica en el bienestar social y personal, y para la seguridad económica de las familias. La habilidad para leer y escribir y hacer operaciones...
Claudia Williams's picture

Alicia Keys launches #WeAreHere movement with MomsRising, 11 other organizations

September 22, 2014
TERRIFIC BREAKING NEWS! Giant thank you to Alicia Keys for partnering with & others in a big way for her ‪#‎WeAreHere‬ movement!
Kristin's picture

Childcare - The Low Hanging Fruit

September 17, 2014
In today's economy, our lowest hanging fruit is childcare -- basic facilities (or homes) that offer children of low-to-moderate incomes a safe place to learn and socialize.
Kelli King-Jackson's picture
Take Action!

Historic: US Senate Just Advanced Paycheck Fairness Act

September 10, 2014
BREAKING! Due in no small part to your efforts, letters, calls, stories, and testimony, the U.S. Senate just advanced the Paycheck Fairness Act in a historic vote. But the bill isn't fully passed yet.
Ruth Martin's picture

Once again, Medicaid saved the day

September 9, 2014
I have relied on Medicaid for both my daughter and I on and off since she was a toddler. Not long after graduating with my MA in Family Counseling, my daughter and I were left without health insurance, since I was no longer allowed to purchase the university's group health plan. With my first job...
Anna's picture
Take Action!

URGENT: Senators Voting on Fair Pay, Minimum Wage Bills

September 9, 2014
Breaking news: The U.S. Senate could vote soon on the Paycheck Fairness Act and on the Fair Minimum Wage Act. Votes could happen as early as Wednesday, September 10. Time is short! And your voice is needed now to let Congress know we're paying attention to how they vote -- and we expect them to step up for women and families.
Ruth Martin's picture

I'm a Koch Sister, Too!

September 8, 2014
You’ve heard of the Koch Brothers, the ultra-rich, corporate extremists whose deep pockets are flooding election-season airwaves. Too often, their goals are part of a political playbook to drive down wages, cut Social Security and Medicare and secure more corporate tax breaks at the expense of our...
Liz Shuler's picture

California Passes Paid Sick Days Bill!

September 3, 2014
California has long led the way in establishing family friendly workplace policies, from enacting the nation's first paid leave program in 2002, to the nation's first citywide paid sick days law in San Francisco in 2007. Last week, the state legislature made further history by passing a bill that would allow around 6.5 million additional California workers to earn paid sick days. The bill's next stop is Governor Jerry Brown's desk and the great news is that he has already voiced his support for the bill!
Sara Alcid's picture
