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Family Economic Security

Fist Bump for Paid Sick Days!

November 17, 2014
It's time for a celebratory fist bump! Paid sick days WON BIG at the polls on Election Day. Now, it’s time for the next step: Taking paid sick days to Congress. This is a boost for families, our economy, and... our leaders.
Sara Alcid's picture

La Respuesta de un Padre Trabajador

November 14, 2014
Tengo tres hijos. Los míos son un poco mayores que los de usted – la mayor se acaba de ir a la universidad – y por eso me necesitan un poco menos que su bebe la necesita a usted. Pero se bien el remordimiento que siente. Y le puedo asegurar que sus hijos no la culparan por trabajar y mantener un techo sobre sus cabezas.
Tom Perez's picture

Three Steps to a Two-Generation Approach

November 14, 2014
Lecia Imbery wrote this (she's the Coalition on Human Needs' Senior Policy Writer). Pretty interesting, and as a mom and grandma, I think it makes a whole lot of sense. To ensure that kids thrive and succeed from birth onward, we must simultaneously address the obstacles facing their parents. The...
Debbie Weinstein's picture

Raising the Minimum Wage and Affordable Child Care Go Hand in Hand

November 13, 2014
This post, authored by Traci Donnelly, originally appeared on . A minimum wage increase will not help families exit poverty by itself – we need other work supports that ease the economic strain on families. is dedicated to demonstrating that we know how to...
Alyssa Peterson's picture

Banking on Health: Improving the Inventory at Food Banks

November 13, 2014
“I have the audacity to believe that peoples everywhere can have three meals a day for their bodies, education and culture for their minds, and dignity, equality and freedom for their spirits,” explained Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in 1964. Fast-forward to today, and for too many families, the idea of having three meals a day remains an audacious, out-of-reach goal.
Manel Kappagoda's picture

Speaking out as a working father

November 13, 2014
We don't do nearly enough in this country to help working families balance all the competing demands on their time. It's as shocking to me as it is to you that we're the only industrialized country without paid family leave. I was just in Germany where I met a young American working for an IT company there -- he doesn't want to return to the U.S. because he and his wife have started a family and they need the paid leave.
Tom Perez's picture
Take Action!

Support MilFams! Speak out for more money in the pockets of military moms and dads

November 11, 2014
As a veteran and a mom, I know first hand that military families so appreciate and need the support of our communities and government. This Veterans Day, please join me in taking action to express your strong support for two critical tax programs that help 1 in 4 current and former armed forces families make ends meet and avoid falling into poverty.
Sarah Howard's picture

The Number of Children Benefiting from Federal Low-Income Child Care Program at a 15 Year Low

November 4, 2014
The number of children receiving child care funded by the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) fell to a 15-year low, according to CLASPanalysis of data from the Department of Health and Human Services. The CCDBG is the primary source of federal funding for helping low-income families pay for child care, with half of the families who receive benefits living below the poverty level.
Debbie Weinstein's picture

How Voter ID Laws Affect Women of Color

November 3, 2014
This post, authored by Tracy Sturdivant , originally appeared on . Voter-id laws systematically undermine constitutional rights of women of color. is dedicated to demonstrating that we know how to dramatically reduce poverty; we just need to build the political will...
Alyssa Peterson's picture
Pledge to Vote YES on 4!

Massachusetts! Vote YES on Question 4 for Paid Sick Days

November 3, 2014
November 4th, Election Day, is your chance to make sure earned sick days win big in Massachusetts!
Sara Alcid's picture
