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Family Economic Security

Oakland's Breastfeeding MAFIA is for support and encouragement

February 12, 2015
Tell us about Breastfeeding MAFIA and how it began. The Breastfeeding M.A.F.I.A (Mothers Against Feeding Infants Artificially) is an organization that was developed in 2008 by a small group of Black peer counselors, Brandi Gates, Allana Samuel, and Djuna Blackmon, looking for a way to provide...
Brandi Gates-Mitchell's picture

Breastfeeding Perspective from Chicago

February 12, 2015
tytina.jpeg I have been doing this work for a number of years and I truly feel that this is my calling. I started as a young mother, with minimal support. I gained interest when I saw other mothers like me, striving to be good parents. I initially started as an outreach worker, promoting Healthy...
Tytina Sanders-Bey's picture

The Facebook page that proved black women do breastfeed

February 12, 2015
Tell us about Black Women Do Breastfeed (BWDBF) and how it began. When I had my first child in 2009, I used to turn to the internet to find breastfeeding information and community with other breastfeeding moms. I quickly noticed that there were not many images or stories of modern Black...

#BlkBFing Next Door: Local changemakers in the African-American breastfeeding movement shine for Black History Month

February 12, 2015
The changemakers featured in this blog carnival are creating a national groundswell for breastfeeding by leading from within their communities and affirming Black families with skill, training, socio-cultural relevance and collaboration.
Anayah Sangodele-Ayoka's picture

Sherry Payne leads with a village of perinatal health support in Kansas City

February 12, 2015
Tell us about your work and how it began. I founded Uzazi Village in 2012 after a career as a labor and delivery nurse, and later as faculty teaching maternal infant health. I wanted to have a more direct impact on perinatal (pregnancy-related) health outcomes in my community. I wrote a curriculum...
Sherry Payne's picture

View From A Rack, a talk show on breastfeeding

February 12, 2015
Tell us about View From A Rack and how it began. Moon : I started View From A Rack because countless women have numerous questions about breastfeeding and mothering and there was really no one to ask. A lot of women reached out to me and needed to have someone they could trust to show them they are...
Afrykayn Moon's picture

Table for Two pushes for public lactation spaces

February 11, 2015
Tell us about Table for Two and how it began. Table for Two (TFT) is a community organization that seeks to establish public lactation rooms for breastfeeding mothers. We provide grassroots and real-world approaches to building global breastfeeding acceptance. The signature TFT campaign asks the...
Sojourner Marable Grimmett's picture

President Obama’s 2016 Budget in Pictures

February 9, 2015
Budgets are about our nation’s priorities: What do we want to spend money on? How are we going to raise the money we want to spend? And though ultimately the budget enacted by Congress will probably look very different from the budget proposal released by the president, the president’s budget is important. It’s the president’s vision for the country in fiscal year 2016 and beyond and reflects input and spending requests from every federal agency.
Jasmine Tucker's picture

Push for Progress: Children Cannot Wait

February 6, 2015
“We are guilty of many errors and many faults, but our worst crime is abandoning the children, neglecting the fountain of life. Many of the things we need can wait. The child cannot. Right now is the time his bones are being formed, his blood is being made, and his senses are being developed. To...
Marian Wright Edelman's picture

Happy Anniversary, FMLA!

February 5, 2015
Join us in wishing the Family and Medical Leave Act a happy 22nd anniversary! In this brief video , Carmen Berkley, director of the AFL-CIO Office of Civil, Human and Women's Rights, tells us why the FMLA is important and stresses the need for an additional paid sick leave law. Next week, the...
Liz Shuler's picture
