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Family Economic Security

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Why I Love Tax Season (and why Congress should keep making it lovable)

April 17, 2015
This year, thank to the Child and Dependent Care Credit, I saved $400. How far can $400 go? For my family, it equals to one week of mortgage, or two weeks of groceries, or five weeks of gasoline. It may not sound much, but is indeed very helpful. Coincidentally (and unfortunately), I had an accident just a couple of weeks ago. I was hit from behind by an unlicensed driver. My 22-month-old was in the car when the accident happened. Since the other party was not licensed nor insured, I had to pay for the damage with my own insurance. I have a $500 collision deductible and the $400 child care credit kicked in just in time to help me fix my car and replace my baby’s infant car seat.
To-wen Tseng's picture
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Walking Backwards Through the Grocery Store

April 16, 2015
Yesterday my son and I went for a bike ride to the park and decided to swing by the grocery store on our way home to pick up a few things. When we went to check out I realized that I didn't bring my wallet to the park. We put back our groceries and my son was laughing about how it was his first...
Charlie Rose's picture

Tell Congress: Tax breaks for working families, not corporations!

April 15, 2015
Today is Tax Day! This is the perfect opportunity to remind Congress to support and strengthen tax breaks for working families, not just wealthy corporations. Write Congress today and tell them to support the EITC and Child Tax Credit.
Elyssa Schmier's picture

Proposed Congressional Cuts to Nutrition Assistance Would Cost Jobs

April 14, 2015
This week, the House will vote on a measure to repeal the estate tax, which would shower the wealthiest 0.2 percent of estates in the country with an average tax cut of $2.5 million. Meanwhile, the House has already passed a budget proposal that would convert the nation’s bedrock nutrition...
Melissa Boteach's picture

Why Tax Day Is Something to Look Forward to for Moms

April 14, 2015
Tax Day is April 15th and millions of families around the country are depending on the tax break they receive through the EITC to pay for things like car repairs, mortgage payments, medicine for their children, and clothes. Listen to these 3 moms on why the EITC is so important.
Elyssa Schmier's picture

Win my 2015 Year of Self-Care Mother’s Day Giveaway!

April 14, 2015
This Mother’s Day win our 2015 Year of Self-Care Mother’s Day Giveaway and enjoy nurturing relaxation, nourishment, empowering coaching, inspiration, plus tools/resources/Renee's favorite self-renewal products and services for an entire year! The $1,850 Year of Self-Care Mother’s Day Giveaway for...
Renee Trudeau's picture

What Would You Buy With Your 23 Cents?

April 14, 2015
Working women are shorted 23 cents for every dollar a man makes. On its own, 23 cents doesn’t sound like much. Sure it’s wrong that women still are paid only 77 cents on the man’s dollar. But what can 23 cents buy? How about a nice house? A private college education for four kids? Twelve brand new...
Liz Shuler's picture

Join us on Twitter April 9th for a #StopTheCuts Tweetchat and Tweetstorm

April 8, 2015
On Thursday, April 9, 2015 at 1pm ET, national organizations will answer critical questions surrounding the budget and share ways to take action with #StopTheCuts.
Lecia Imbery's picture

Head Smacker: Tax Cuts for Low-Income People are Better for the Economy, but Congressional Budgets Cut Them

April 6, 2015
Tax cuts for lower- and middle-income folks are more effective than tax cuts for the wealthy at spurring economic growth. Why won't Congress take note?
Lecia Imbery's picture

Heather’s new health coverage gave her the courage to start her own salon

April 5, 2015
I dashed straight from a lap swim into Heather’s salon recently, sporting, what my husband calls, a fright wig. When I first got to know Heather, now 29, she was working at someone else's salon. Her unfailing ability to restore calm to my unruly locks has stood the test of many, many lap swims. In...
Roberta Riley's picture
