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Family Economic Security

Mocha Moms, Inc., Announces Historic Change

May 14, 2015
Mocha Moms, Inc. announces it is expanding its mission to advocate for Mothers of color, broadening its origins 18 years ago as a support group for at-Home mothers of color. "There's been a lot of change and growth in our organization," said Kuae Mattox, National President of Mocha Moms, Inc. "Our...

#MissionPossible: Building a Stronger Economy for Women & Families

May 13, 2015
Earlier today, MomsRising members, staff and volunteers stood with more than 30 organizations, Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi and numerous other U.S. Representatives, on Capitol Hill to send a message loud and clear that it is indeed #MissionPossible to build a strong economy for families, women...
Kristin's picture

Celebrating The Moms of Action This Mother's Day

May 11, 2015
Reposted from Role Reboot where it originally appeared. When mothers get angry about the state of their neighborhoods, cities, nations or earth, they have always been on the front lines for change. Let’s celebrate them this Mother’s Day. I have a conflicted relationship with Mother’s Day. I have...

Louisiana ranks 51st among all states and DC for moms in the workforce

May 10, 2015
A new report by WalletHub analyzed state dynamics across 12 key metrics to identify the Best & Worst States for Working Moms. I'm disappointed to report that Louisiana ranks 51st (including the District of Columbia). The report asks a serious question: Workplace inequality is important not only...
Michelle Erenberg's picture
Take Action!

Chocolate is Nice. But Equality is Better.

May 10, 2015
I love chocolates and flowers and brunch as much as any mom. But what I really want for Mother’s Day can’t be bought in a store. For Mother’s Day, and EVERY DAY, I want moms (and dads!) to be able to take a day off from work when they (or their kids) get the flu, or strep throat, or other illness;...
Kristin's picture
Take Action!

Tell Congress to complete #MissionPossible!

May 10, 2015
Mother’s Day 2015 came and went by in a flash. But the celebration of moms and those who love them doesn't have to stop. In fact, we're launching a mission, #MissionPossible, this week to build a stronger economy for women, families, and the nation so we'll have even more to celebrate next Mother's...
Kristin's picture

Helen Chavez remembers women farm workers on Mother’s Day

May 8, 2015
When my husband, Cesar Chavez, and I helped begin the United Farm Workers in 1962, it was clear that the union was equally for women and men. So what better time than Mother’s Day to remember the women and mothers the UFW is still fighting for. Nowhere do women farm workers need more protection...
Helen F. Chavez's picture

21 Million Moms Benefit from Low-Income Tax Credits

May 8, 2015
Honor millions of moms this Mother's Day by taking action to improve their economic security. Help save low-income tax credits, raise the minimum wage, and provide paid leave and paid sick days for low-income mothers.
Lecia Imbery's picture

This Mother’s Day, Honor Your Mother’s Commitment to Putting Your Family First

May 8, 2015
Growing up in Jackson, Mississippi, I remember seeing my mom, a single mom, struggle to support us three kids by working multiple jobs, mostly manual labor in shipping and receiving at large warehouses. My mom worked incessantly, but because of abysmal wages, those long hours never paid off. We...
Gloria Walton's picture

Helen Chávez recuerda a las trabajadoras agrícolas en el Día de las Madres

May 8, 2015
Cuando mi esposo César Chávez y yo ayudamos a fundar la union de campesinos ("United Farm Workers" en inglés) en 1962, quedó claro que el sindicato era para hombres y mujeres por igual. Por eso, que mejor ocasión que el Día de las Madres para recordar a las mujeres y madres por las que sigue...
Helen F. Chavez's picture
