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Family Economic Security

Jennie Joseph's JJ Way leads to better birth and breastfeeding outcomes

February 15, 2015
Tell us about your work and how it began. I was trained as a midwife in Great Britain in 1979 and moved to the United States in 1989. My experience has been quite diverse: European hospitals, American birth centers, clinics and homebirth environments. I’ve been instrumental in the regulation of...
Jennie Joseph's picture

It’s 2015 and Tipped Wage Workers are STILL making $2.13/hour

February 13, 2015
February 13th is Tipped Wage Worker Day. Believe it or not, it has been 24 years since tipped wage workers have seen a raise. They still make $2.13/hour in many states. That is just crazy! We need to raise awareness, raise our voices, and raise the wage!
Elyssa Schmier's picture

Breastfeeding is Not a Private Issue

February 13, 2015
My name is Rosetta M. Walls and I’m a former Breastfeeding Peer Counselor with HealthConnect One . I inadvertently became a counselor by taking the class to find out how to get my “Boob-Head” son off my breast. He was a little over one years old and I was totally exhausted from nursing. Amazingly,...
Rosetta M Walls's picture

Breastfeeding is Not a Private Issue

February 13, 2015
My name is Rosetta M. Walls and I’m a former Breastfeeding Peer Counselor with HealthConnect One . I inadvertently became a counselor by taking the class to find out how to get my “Boob-Head” son off my breast. He was a little over one years old and I was totally exhausted from nursing. Amazingly,...
Rosetta M Walls's picture

Helping Mom and Baby Breastfeed

February 13, 2015
I have been educating and supporting mothers on breastfeeding since 1996. After having my first daughter Jaylin, I not only felt a connection between the two of us but also a connection to the experience of breastfeeding. It wasn’t until signing up for WIC services for my son in 2009, however, that...
Dana Posley's picture

Community Transforming ROSEs provide peer breastfeeding support

February 12, 2015
Reaching Our Sisters Everywhere (ROSE) is a member network that was founded to address breastfeeding disparities among people of color nationwide through culturally competent training, education, advocacy, and support. With a focus on increasing breastfeeding initiation and duration rates, ROSE...
Andrea Serano's picture

BMBFA reveals "You Don't Know My Story"

February 12, 2015
While data is significant and valued, we also believe that it is important to listen to people's stories. True change occurs with valued relationships, trust and connectedness. Here at BMBFA, we believe in connecting with families on an intimate level. We also try to share our stories through...
kiddadagreen's picture

Reaching Our Sisters Everywhere (ROSE) fulfilling its name in breastfeeding support

February 12, 2015
I still remember the first time I heard about ROSE. I was attending a United States Breastfeeding Committee meeting and several people asked me if I had received a call from Kim Bugg about getting involved with ROSE. At the time, I had no idea who Kim Bugg was and the only roses I’d heard of were a...
Sahira Long's picture

Oakland's Breastfeeding MAFIA is for support and encouragement

February 12, 2015
Tell us about Breastfeeding MAFIA and how it began. The Breastfeeding M.A.F.I.A (Mothers Against Feeding Infants Artificially) is an organization that was developed in 2008 by a small group of Black peer counselors, Brandi Gates, Allana Samuel, and Djuna Blackmon, looking for a way to provide...
Brandi Gates-Mitchell's picture

Breastfeeding Perspective from Chicago

February 12, 2015
tytina.jpeg I have been doing this work for a number of years and I truly feel that this is my calling. I started as a young mother, with minimal support. I gained interest when I saw other mothers like me, striving to be good parents. I initially started as an outreach worker, promoting Healthy...
Tytina Sanders-Bey's picture
