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Family Economic Security

Latin@ Tech Visionaries Descend Upon South by Southwest

February 25, 2014
AUSTIN, Texas -- For the first time ever, a Latin@ Tech Pre-Conference bringing together social entrepreneurs and tech visionaries will precede the prestigious South by Southwest Interactive Conference in Austin, Texas next month. And MomsRising will be a part of it! I will present in a session on...
Elisa Batista's picture

Michigan Marriage Case Focuses on Children

February 25, 2014
Today, a federal district court in Michigan begins hearing testimony challenging the state’s ban on allowing same-sex couples to marry. Opponents of marriage equality are, yet again, dragging out the same tired arguments and the same discredited “studies” that attempt to disprove what we all know...
Emily Hecht-McGowan's picture

Leaning on Each Other to Lead: Parents have the skills and talents to create meaningful change together

February 23, 2014
Last November I uploaded my ebook, Lean On and Lead, Mothering and Work in the 21st Century Economy, to the iBooks Store. In addition to the next-gen interactivity within the book, Apple allows authors to update publications, with readers automatically receiving free updates. So I designed a new...
Shay Chan Hodges's picture

A Battle With Clutter: One Mother’s Exercise in Futility

February 18, 2014
When Malcolm and I moved into a 3-bedroom townhouse in the suburbs of Washington, D.C., it felt vast compared to our 900-square foot condo in the city. I actually uttered the words, “What are we going to do with all this space?” Stupid, stupid woman I think now of my younger self. It was August...
Allison Lefrak's picture

Mothers of the Moment

February 18, 2014
We’re poised at a sweet spot between the release of The Shriver Report in January, and the arrival of March as Women’s History Month. Momentum is growing for paid leave and paid sick days, candidates for the 2014 mid-term elections are shaping their campaigns, and think tanks in DC are churning out...
Valerie Young's picture

Congress: Follow the President's Lead, #RaisetheWage

February 13, 2014
“In the wealthiest nation on earth nobody who works full time should have to live in poverty—nobody, not here in America.”- President Obama , yesterday as he signed an executive order that raises the minimum wage to $10.10 for all new federal contract workers. We agree! This is important because...
Elyssa Schmier's picture

Where is the love for #BlkBfing? Join the 2/12 chat!

February 8, 2014
The #BlkBfing chat is back on 2/12 at 7 PM ET with a powerful conversation on the hidden importance of support for successful breastfeeding from family support and nursing in stores to workplace pumping and family leave. The chat is hosted by MomsRising , , mater mea and Women's eNews ...
Anayah Sangodele-Ayoka's picture

President Obama’s Vision for Early Learning Is Already a Reality in One Washington Community

February 7, 2014
This story is by Luba Bezborodnikova, executive director of Educare of Greater Seattle and Associate Superintendent for Early Learning at Puget Sound ESD. In the State of the Union address last week, President Barack Obama called for high-quality child care and pre-kindergarten that prepares all...
Paul Nyhan's picture

Marketplace coverage means peace of mind

February 7, 2014
The Health Insurance Marketplace is making it easier to find quality, affordable coverage. Millions of Americans are getting covered, many for the first time. More than 3 million have enrolled in private health insurance since October and 6.3 million were determined eligible for Medicaid or...
Nancy C. Lee's picture

Child Care, Farming, and Working Parents in Hawaii

February 7, 2014
Two months ago, I wrote a post called The Short Game: Taking the “Work” out of “Working Together" about a community event that included a congresswoman and about a dozen mothers and daughters. I described how the act of women gathering together, to support each other and enjoy themselves while also...
Shay Chan Hodges's picture
