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Family Economic Security

Scrambling for Stability: The Challenges of Job Schedule Volatility and Child Care

March 27, 2014
For Karen, a part-time package delivery person and mom to a one-year-old, making child care arrangements is a weekly exercise in scrambling. That’s because Karen receives notice of her schedule only one week in advance, and her shifts fluctuate. The volatility of her schedule makes everything...
Liz Ben-Ishai's picture

Meeting the First Man

March 27, 2014
This post first appeared on Prologue During the last inauguration ceremony, we watched on TV and I pointed people out to the frog princess as the day went on. When Michelle Obama came on the screen, I told her that was President Obama's wife, the first lady. Without hesitation, the...
Sili Recio's picture

Tell Congress: Raise up women!

March 27, 2014
Confession: There’s been a lot of lip service given lately to the need for fair pay for women, but I’m not interested in lip service: I want action. Here’s a little context: Women represent nearly two-thirds of minimum wage workers . Nearly four in ten female minimum wage workers are women of color...
Elyssa Schmier's picture

Blogging for Women’s History Month, CHIP and more in this week’s MomsRising blog roundup

March 26, 2014
March is almost coming to an end! We are looking forward to spring with so many exciting things coming up. Here are a few of our favorite posts from the MomsRising blog these past few weeks. Feel free to share on social media with friends and family. You can also comment on the posts, and let us...
Connie Ho's picture

What you want to know about the "Break Time for Nursing Mothers" law

March 22, 2014
What you want to know about the “Break Time for Nursing Mothers” law Earlier this month, ACLU Nationwide sent a letter to a Colorado employer, documenting multiple violations of the federal “Break Time for Nursing Mothers” law. While calling on DISH Network to provide adequate space and privacy for...
To-wen Tseng's picture

Join #TaxChat on Thursday, March 20

March 18, 2014
Americans for Tax Fairness , National Women’s Law Center , the National Priorities Project , and MomsRising invite you to a #TaxChat tweet chat Thursday, March 20th at 2pm EST. In the lead up to Tax Day we'll discuss ways families can prepare to file their taxes, tax breaks that benefit working...
Elyssa Schmier's picture

The Maryland minimum wage raise is in danger!

March 17, 2014
The bill to raise the minimum wage in Maryland is quickly moving along but we’ve reached a major crisis moment: The House version of the minimum wage bill leaves tipped workers behind, cutting their wages by freezing them at $3.63 per hour. This means that those workers who earn a tipped wage (...
Elyssa Schmier's picture

Women's Economic Agenda Explored in Los Angeles

March 16, 2014
“When Women Succeed, America Succeeds.” This was the chant heard in the room during a special program by Congresswoman Judy Chu’s staff on Monday, March 10 at California State University, Los Angeles. Speakers highlighted an economic agenda for women and families, and encouraged audience members to...
Connie Ho's picture

What Would Gloria Do? #WWGD

March 12, 2014
The first MAKERS CONFERENCE was held in February, including a celebration of the life and work of Gloria Steinem. In honor of her eightieth birthday, it featured a video with touching and funny statements from Oprah, Ellen DeGeneres, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Katie Couric, and others about Steinem's...
Nanette Fondas's picture

Let's blog about women and retirement security

March 5, 2014
Women and Retirement Security Blog Roundup Despite decades of social and economic gains, older American women are still twice as likely as elderly men to be living near or below the federal poverty line. Two-thirds of American women older than 65 have no retirement income other than Social Security...
Courtney-Rose Dantus's picture
