Hanna (she/her) is a graduate of the University of Chicago, holding a Bachelor's of Arts in Political Science. On campus, she was involved with University of Chicago MODA and the Chicago non-profit newspaper South Side Weekly as a contributing writer, the Institute of Politics, the University of Chicago Organization of Black Students, University of Chicago African Caribbean Student Association, Alpha Phi Omega, and the Community Programs Accelerator as the Communications/Marketing Team Lead working on communications consulting projects to assist Chicago's South Side non-profits. She is committed to using communications, media, and story-telling to reach a world where everyone's voices can be heard and is treated equally. In her free time, she loves to work on photography and video projects, write, paint, dance, and binge-watching TV & YouTube videos.
Blog Post List

September 10, 2024
Toda familia merece tener acceso a comida nutritiva y de alta calidad para mantener a sus hijos sanos y felices. USDA publicó recientemente datos del 2023 sobre seguridad alimentaria en los hogares de Estados Unidos que revelaron que UNO de cada SIETE hogares (13.5%) de Estados pasaron hambre. Los índices de inseguridad alimentaria fueron más altos para los hogares afroamericanos (23.3%) y latinx (21.9%) de Estados Unidos en comparación con el índice de los hogares blancos no latinx de Estados Unidos (9.9%). Sorprendentemente, ¡UNO de cada CINCO niños estadounidenses pasó hambre en el 2023!...
Education Fund

September 10, 2024
Every family deserves access to high-quality, nutritious food to keep our children healthy and happy. The USDA recently released data on U.S. household food security from 2023 , finding one in SEVEN households (13.5 percent) in America struggled with hunger. The rates of food insecurity were higher for Black (23.3 percent) and Latinx (21.9 percent) U.S. households compared to the rate of White non-Latinx U.S. households (9.9 percent). A staggering ONE in FIVE U.S. children experienced hunger in 2023! This is why food assistance programs, like SNAP, WIC, and free school meals, are vital for...
Education Fund

July 31, 2024
[This blog post was updated the week of August 5, 2024.] As we approach the end of Disability Pride Month today, we want to give you a COVID-19 crash course on everything you need to know and more! The United States is currently seeing massive increases of COVID-19 cases , with one report estimating that as of August 2, 2024, approximately 1 out of 37 Americans are currently infected with COVID-19. COVID-19 and the damage that has resulted for millions of people after infection is a phenomenon long COVID patient and advocate Charlie McConne described as "'the greatest mass-disabling event in...
Education Fund

June 10, 2024
¿Qué es el programa de Transferencia Electrónica de Beneficios de Verano (EBT, por sus siglas en inglés), también conocido como Sun Bucks, y quién califica para él? Tuve el placer de hablar con Kelsey Boone, Analista Sénior de Políticas de Nutrición Infantil de FRAC sobre el EBT de Verano y cómo tener acceso a este programa de asistencia nutricional para sus familias! Este es un resumen de la conversación de Instagram Live que tuvimos sobre este importante programa nutricional: Vamos a empezar con una descripción general de lo que es el programa EBT de Verano ¿Cómo puede este programa ayudar...
Education Fund

June 10, 2024
What is the Summer Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) program (also known as SUN Bucks) and who qualifies for it? I had the pleasure of speaking with Kelsey Boone, the Senior Child Nutrition Policy Analyst at FRAC , on all things Summer EBT and how you can access this nutrition assistance program for your family! Let’s recap our conversation over Instagram Live on this critical nutrition program: Let’s start with an overview of what the summer EBT program is. How can this program get assistance to families to help out with summer grocery costs? Summer EBT is a new nutrition program for...
Education Fund

May 3, 2024
MomsRising invited 41 of our powerful mom leaders from 25 states across the country to join us for our Mom Power Bootcamp 2024! We brought together moms, advocates, Fellows, Fellow Alumni, and other engaged volunteers from across the country to share their stories and develop critical leadership and momentum-building advocacy skills in early education and other key care issues that affect families with young children.
Education Fund

October 20, 2023
MomsRising invited 35 of our powerful members from 20 states across the country to join us last week for our Mom Power Bootcamp 2023! We brought together moms, advocates, Fellows, Fellow Alumni, and other engaged volunteers who are interested in leadership development and advocacy opportunities for issues that impact families with young children like early childhood.
Education Fund

May 19, 2023
We want to thank all our wonderful members -- and over members of Congress -- for joining our inspiring day to honor our moms and stand for policies that lift families!

March 9, 2023
One of the strongest tools our nation has in combating hunger is the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Unfortunately, this vital program is under attack by some Republicans in Congress, threatening the food security of millions of families. We need you to join us in speaking out against attacks on SNAP and calling on the U.S. Congress to strengthen the program, not create barriers to access or funding cuts. *TAKE ACTION: Sign our letter to the U.S. Congress calling on them to strengthen SNAP and protect it from needless attacks! Here’s what’s going on: Right now the SNAP...

December 15, 2022
One year ago today (December 15th, 2021), the last expanded monthly Child Tax Credit payments went out. These checks were a huge relief for families to help pay for necessities like medical bills, rent, food, childcare, and more. MomsRising members across the country raised their voices in response! Last Wednesday, we had an incredible Child Tax Credit Day of Action. We held a National Call-In Day for the CTC: text CTCNow to 747464 to connect with your U.S. Senator’s office and demand they extend the expanded Child Tax Credit in any end-of-the-year tax package! CTC Text Square 4 (1).jpg We...
Education Fund

October 19, 2022
October: a time for leaves changing, windy weather, and of course - Halloween! A great time of year for kids and their families alike to enjoy fun costumes, sweet treats, and the general spookiness of autumn. Something scarier than this upcoming holiday may be the state of child care in this country. Pre-pandemic, more than half of families lived in childcare deserts. Without safe, nurturing affordable options to begin with, nearly half a million families are estimated to be stranded without reliable child care. Make sure you wave that witch’s wand and work your magic by taking action with us...
Education Fund

June 7, 2022
Families across the country (just like yours!) have been uplifting the fact that our child care system is broken - well before the COVID-19 pandemic exasperated the problem over two years ago. In response, MomsRising was joined by many of our incredible members and partners this past May to advocate for high-quality, affordable childcare & pre-K for all families. Look below for a summary of all the exciting digital activities we worked on and join our call to action to expand childcare!
Education Fund

March 25, 2022
We’ve got one we can mark down in the WIN column! On Tuesday, President Biden signed a major spending bill into law that creates increases in dedicated funding for food and nutrition, housing, early learning, and other essential federal programs. [1] For the first time in many years, the federal budget prioritizes our families, which, in turn, not only lowers costs for families but also boosts the economy and helps stop inflation. Now it’s time to double-down! We need to build on this momentum and pressure Congress and the White House to pass an economic package that builds the care...
Education Fund

March 4, 2022
Last week I joined other West Virginia moms in D.C. demanding our W.V. senators do right by our families by reinstating the monthly Child Tax Credit payments and other policies to support families like yours and mine by passing the Build Back Better Act. And like I said on the Capitol Steps, this still is true: The fact that people can sit in that building behind me and tell me that they don't know that my child's life is not worth helping.… is not the American way. Families cannot afford to wait a minute longer. Tell our W.V. senators: The monthly Child Tax Credit payments must continue! We...
Education Fund

March 3, 2022
Since last summer, families across the country have been breathing a sigh of relief each month when the Child Tax Credit (CTC) payment arrives, giving families up to $300/child each month. [1] However, February 15th marked the SECOND month that families were unable to receive their monthly CTC check! Families cannot afford to wait a minute longer. Tell the U.S. Senate: The monthly Child Tax Credit payments must continue! We are counting on you to pass Build Back Better immediately to restore monthly payments to families, pass paid family and medical leave, and boost child care that helps...

Childcare & Early Education Environmental Health Families & The Federal Budget Family Economic Security Gun Safety Health Care Immigration Maternal Justice Paid Family Leave Paid Sick Days Realistic & Fair Wages
February 25, 2022
Popcorn and BINGO with the President... all from the comfort of your living room! Want in? This Tuesday night (March 1st) at 9pm ET / 6pm PT President Joe Biden will be giving the 2022 State of the Union (SOTU). In order to make watching fun and powerful, we've created a BINGO card to help you track and celebrate as the issues of greatest concern to women, moms, parents, children, and families are covered in the speech. *Gather your people (your people can be just your cat, or your child, or your neighbor without a TV) and have a virtual party with us on Tuesday night. *GET THE BINGO CARD...
Education Fund

February 22, 2022
On Tuesday, February 8th, MomsRising hosted an exciting bilingual #TaxRefund Tweetchat on Filing Taxes for the EITC, CTC, & Available Tax Credits for Families. We discussed getting families to file taxes for the upcoming tax season to receive tax credits like the EITC, the remaining amount of their CTC if applicable, and more to give families the most support they can get this year! Our wonderful official guests Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Coalition on Human Needs, and RESULTS as well as NETWORK Lobby joined us for this conversation. El martes 8 de febrero MomsRising llevó a...
Education Fund

October 4, 2021
The Child Tax Credit will disappear after a year unless Congress takes immediate action to make these improvements permanent. Sign our letter calling on Congress to make the improvements to the Child Tax Credit permanent for families, including low-income families!

May 13, 2021
“The stimulus checks helped a lot, and it would be nice to continue to get help since we’re still in debt from last year.”
Education Fund

March 31, 2021
On Friday, March 12th, we had an exciting bilingual #FoodFri Tweetchat about Food Security for Immigrant Families During COVID-19. Immigrants are an essential part of our country and workforce. We focused our discussion on what food assistance programs are available to immigrant and mixed-status families during the COVID-19 pandemic and what actions are available to lift up these communities. Our wonderful guests Jackie Vimo from the National Immigration Law Center, UnidosUS, Hispanic Federation, Coalition for Human Needs, NETWORK Lobby, and Food Research & Action Center joined us to...
Education Fund
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