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Family Economic Security

We Are MomsRising
Photo of MomsRising member Mackenzie Nicholson

The one question I wasn't asked during 30 job interviews

November 22, 2021
"It's time for employers to see their employees as people who have whole lives outside of work." - MacKenzie from New Hampshire
MacKenzie Nicholson's picture

Estimado Congreso: ¿Necesitas más razones para construir una infraestructura de atención AHORA? Lee esto.

November 18, 2021
En nuestro Libro de Historias de la Economía del Cuidado 2021 , hemos capturado historias poderosas y conmovedoras de familias de todo el país que ilustran cómo nuestra Infraestructura de cuidado inadecuada perjudica a las familias, las empresas y nuestra economía. La construcción de una...
MomsRising's picture
Tax Returns

Tired Argument on Child Tax Credit Is Simply Wrong

November 15, 2021
There are many things that would hurt children, and giving parents more money to care for them is not one of those things.
Deborah Lash's picture

A wage gap → a wealth gap → an opportunity gap

October 21, 2021
It’s mission critical that equal pay becomes a reality for ALL women and people because when we experience a wage gap in our paychecks, the overall wealth gap widens across gender and race. When the wealth gap widens for communities already experiencing systemic forces of oppression, like racism, transphobia, xenophobia, and/or ableism, the opportunity gap for our lives and families *also* worsens.
Sara Alcid's picture

PowerUp & Build Back Better with Care Rally

October 20, 2021
Rally time for the Build Back Better plan! Click for details, plus the live stream link!
Selina Maldonado's picture

Transforma y Reconstruye Mejor

October 20, 2021
AHORA es el momento de unirnos en apoyo de Build Back Better con otros defensores, miembros del Congreso y líderes, personas que comparten nuestra visión. ¡TE NECESITAMOS! CUÁNDO : Jueves 21 de octubre de 2021 a las 12:30 pm ET - 2:30 pm ET DÓNDE: Union Square en el lado oeste de la ley del...
Selina Maldonado's picture
Mom and child cheering

Tell Congress to Save the Child Tax Credit!

October 4, 2021
The Child Tax Credit will disappear after a year unless Congress takes immediate action to make these improvements permanent. Sign our letter calling on Congress to make the improvements to the Child Tax Credit permanent for families, including low-income families!
Hanna's picture
Airplane flying over a stadium pulling a banner reading "We need paid leave & childcare"

Did you see us at a football game? Learn why #CareCantWait

September 24, 2021
We should not have to choose between our paycheck and our family. This is urgent. Tell Congress to prioritize women and families and pass President Biden's Build Back Better plan.
MomsRising's picture
