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Family Economic Security

Question of the Week: Will I have to pay taxes on my family's health insurance?

November 4, 2010
Health Reform Question of the Week: I have heard that beginning in January 2011, I will have to pay taxes on my family’s health insurance, which I now obtain tax-free through my employer. My family and I are proud to pay our fair share of taxes, but our budget is already tight and we have little...

Paycheck discrimination is making headlines! Let’s use this momentum to help get the Paycheck Fairness Act passed!

August 24, 2010
ABC's show Good Morning America just ran a segment on wage and hiring discrimination against mothers this weekend! [1] And, I was honored to be invited on the show to share what moms in America face every day. But it's not just Good Morning America that's covered fair pay issues recently. The New...
Kristin's picture

Housing Discrimination against Mothers and Families: Ten Women Share Their Stories

August 10, 2010
MomsRising is a million member grassroots organization working to achieve family economic security, to help all children have a healthy start in life, and to end discrimination against mothers. Mothers in American continue to be discriminated against in hiring, wages and housing. In response to...
Mary O's picture

Good-bye to World Cup, But Not the Teachable Moments - Global Girl Media

July 13, 2010
The euphoria of the final World Cup match is over and so many people around the world don't know what to do with themselves. Summer 2010 has been marked by one nation after another facing off in the stunning World Cup, with the entire world (especially the Americans, more than ever before in the...
Homa Tavangar's picture

Congress-Don't Leave America Hanging!

July 6, 2010
Congress, can you answer this question? When I heard that Congress had failed to pass the extension of unemployment insurance benefits last night, all I could think about was the question posed earlier this week from a mom in Indiana: "How will my family live now that the unemployment is going to...
Donna's picture

Economic Role of Parents Devalued

June 11, 2010
From Your (Wo)manInWashington blog MOTHERS changing the conversation @ Your (Wo)Man in Washington welcomes guest blogger Amy Peake, a mother, lawyer, and writer. She has graciously allowed me to crosspost an opinion piece of hers that recently appeared in The...
Valerie Young's picture

Payday Lenders – Predator, Not Provider!

April 26, 2010
A woman I know named Marie is a mother and grandmother with a very large extended family that depends on her. She first walked through the door of a payday loan shop for a little extra money to help her children and grandchildren just last year. Not too long after, she found herself with five...

Equal Pay Day: The Wage Gap between Mothers and Everyone Else

April 20, 2010
I'm frustrated by Equal Pay Day. Yes, I think it's important to point out that the wage gap between men and women still exists, and that a significant chunk of it is unexplained - likely sex discrimination. Yes, I think using a day in April to symbolize how far into 2010 a woman has to work to...
Kristin Maschka's picture

Take Foreign Language Out of the Doghouse

April 16, 2010
“Thousands of public schools stopped teaching foreign languages in the last decade, according to a government-financed survey — dismal news for a nation that needs more linguists to conduct its global business and diplomacy.” So starts a recent NY Times piece. It goes on to say only Chinese...
Homa Tavangar's picture

An inexcusable delay

April 9, 2010
Whenever I go on vacation, I always leave some task undone--like emptying the garbage can, or putting my mail on hold. But failing to extend millions of people's unemployment insurance benefits? Never, even in my most hurried state, would I go on vacation and neglect to do that. It's simply...
Donna's picture
