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Family Economic Security

Michelle Obama: "It doesn't have to be this way"

April 2, 2010
"Many folks don't have access to any kind of family leave policies whatsoever, no flexible working arrangements, many people don't even have a paid sick day. So they are struggling…scrambling to make things work…As we all know, here today, it just doesn't have to be that way. It doesn't have to be...

Protecting Children's Health and Ending Mountaintop Removal

March 19, 2010
Over the past year, Administrator Jackson has pledged that her agency is back at work defending children’s health by ending environmental injustices, but when it comes to ending mountaintop removal, the agency is stalled.
Renee Blanchard's picture

Paid Family Leave Insurance in Oregon

March 12, 2010
About the Campaign: We're thrilled to be working on Paid Family Leave with MomsRising members and our partners in Oregon. On April 8, 2009, we had an awesome kick off at the Capitol to introduce the Paid Family Leave bill. The event included a press conference featuring Sandwich Mom (a mom in wacky...
Katie Bethell's picture

Sick from Child Care?

March 11, 2010
When Ashley's son started going to child care, he started bringing home more than macaroni art and cute little scribble pictures. He also brought home colds, the flu, pink eye, and a weird unidentifiable rash -- all things that meant Ashley needed to miss work to care for him. "I didn't realize...

When will we dictate policy to protect our future generations?

February 18, 2010
Why are other countries recognizing the need for a paid stay-at home option, yet we are not? When will we dictate policy to protect our future generations? Our country's leaders seem to be primarily concerned with the here and now, instead of maintaining a balance that satisfies the present and the...

UPDATED! These are our stories: Vigil for Healthcare reform

January 13, 2010
Healthcare reform is now REALLY almost at the finish line, with a vote expected this week. Hundreds of thousands of families are waiting to find out if reform will actually: - help out their family budgets, - ensure that their health coverage is both accessible and affordable, - offer strong...
Anita's picture

Survivors of domestic violence, stalking and sexual assault need paid sick days

November 14, 2009
Domestic violence, stalking and sexual assault pose a great risk to far too many Americans--and the numbers of victims are increasing, not decreasing. A minimum standard of paid sick days, or "paid safe days," would provide victims with job-guaranteed paid time off when they need it most--to leave...
Katie Bethell's picture

Paid Sick Days in New York City

November 14, 2009
Recently, the New York Times ran a compelling article about the vast numbers of American workers lacking paid sick days, and how critical paid sick days are in putting the breaks on the H1N1 epidemic. We have to act fast--the time for paid sick days in NYC is now! We can't do it without your help,...
Katie Bethell's picture

Sex, Love and Labor Statistics

September 28, 2009
On NPR this week, I was asked if there’s any good in the new statistics showing that women now outnumber men in the work force. Maybe. If it lets us embrace women as breadwinners, I said, that would be healthy. Even healthier: If men do their part at home and free women to keep the kinds of jobs...
Sharon Meers's picture

H1N1 - Your thoughts?

September 2, 2009
Wow. H1N1 is on moms' minds. Over 33,000 people signed on to the petition we sent around last week, agreeing that: "The United States needs to allow all working people to earn paid sick days to ensure our economic security, and protect public health." The leaders of our nation are working hard to...
