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Family Economic Security

[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A colorful graphic that says "Weekly Blog Round Up" on a pink background]

#GoodNews This Week: Paid Leave, Wages, More!

July 19, 2019
Check out three top posts from the MomsRising blog in the last week: Read our statement on raising the minimum wage, check out a small business owner's perspective on WA paid leave, and take action on the Trump administration's inhumane immigration policies-->
Anita's picture

Good news! Passing Law to Raise the Federal Minimum Wage Boosts Workers and Families

July 18, 2019
"We applaud the U.S. House of Representatives for standing up for low-wage workers and families by passing the Raise the Wage Act, which would boost the paychecks of millions of moms and help lift families out of poverty. Today’s action was long overdue. Congress has not increased the minimum wage...
Kristin's picture
8th in a series

A Woman-Centered Economic Agenda: Support Labor Unions

July 15, 2019
Ensuring that a growing economy is equitable and benefits all workers is an important policy priority for all elected officials. Given that women’s earnings and economic security are central to the health and well-being of U.S. households and the overall economy, each election cycle presents an...
Heidi Hartmann's picture
7th in a series

A Woman-Centered Economic Agenda: Expand and Protect Social Security and Medicare

July 14, 2019
Ensuring that a growing economy is equitable and benefits all workers is an important policy priority for all elected officials. Given that women’s earnings and economic security are central to the health and well-being of U.S. households and the overall economy, each election cycle presents an...
Heidi Hartmann's picture
6th in a series

A Woman-Centered Economic Agenda: Restore and Preserve the Social Safety Net

July 13, 2019
Ensuring that a growing economy is equitable and benefits all workers is an important policy priority for all elected officials. Given that women’s earnings and economic security are central to the health and well-being of U.S. households and the overall economy, each election cycle presents an...
Heidi Hartmann's picture
5th in a series

A Woman-Centered Economic Agenda: Support Female Entrepreneurs

July 12, 2019
Ensuring that a growing economy is equitable and benefits all workers is an important policy priority for all elected officials. Given that women’s earnings and economic security are central to the health and well-being of U.S. households and the overall economy, each election cycle presents an...
Heidi Hartmann's picture
4th in a series

A Woman-Centered Economic Agenda: Improve Access to Paid Leave, Paid Sick Days, Child Care

July 11, 2019
Ensuring that a growing economy is equitable and benefits all workers is an important policy priority for all elected officials. Given that women’s earnings and economic security are central to the health and well-being of U.S. households and the overall economy, each election cycle presents an...
Heidi Hartmann's picture
Image of WA MomsForce Fellows Framed by Map of WA

15 Moms Who Are Putting Policies to Work for Families

July 11, 2019
To mother is to transform. Each and every day moms are shaping a more just future for us all through small and big acts alike -- whether it’s helping a tantruming toddler understand their feelings or advocating for their community with elected leaders, moms have superpowers that move us all forward...
Casey Osborn-Hinman's picture

15 mamás que están poniendo las políticas a trabajar para las familias

July 11, 2019
Ser madre significa transformar. Todos los días, las mamás forjan un futuro más justo para todos nosotros a través de actos pequeños y grandes por igual –ya sea ayudando a un niñito a comprender sus sentimientos en medio de una pataleta o abogando por su comunidad ante los funcionarios electos, las...
Casey Osborn-Hinman's picture
2nd in a series

A Woman-Centered Economic Agenda: Address Sexual Harassment and Assault on the Job

July 9, 2019
Ensuring that a growing economy is equitable and benefits all workers is an important policy priority for all elected officials. Given that women’s earnings and economic security are central to the health and well-being of U.S. households and the overall economy, each election cycle presents an...
Heidi Hartmann's picture
