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Family Economic Security

#CHIPworks - Meet Daviann in Kansas

October 3, 2017
The Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) ensures that we always give our kids a winning hand of lifelong health! Republicans and Democrats created this critically important program in 1997 because it was a low-cost, sound investment in our children's health and future—and they were right !...
Isabella Higgins's picture

Tell the Duluth City Council: Support Earned Sick and Safe Time!

September 28, 2017
Exciting things are afoot in Duluth. Spoiler alert: it’s something that’s a win-win-win for working families, businesses, and the Duluth economy. >>> I’m talking about earned sick and safe time for Duluth!
Sara Alcid's picture

How to Raise an Optimistic Kid in a Pessimistic World

September 28, 2017
If you're raising kids today, it can be easy to focus on the negative. And it's no wonder: Thanks to the 24-hour news cycle, social media, cell phone notifications -- and even sources you wouldn't expect, like Instagram and YouTube -- kids are immersed in doom and gloom . Consider their world: The...
Caroline Knorr's picture

Tax Breaks for the Wealthiest While Undermining Moms, Families, Our Economy

September 27, 2017
At a time when our country is experiencing unprecedented income inequality, with the rich getting richer and working families struggling to put food on the table and afford child care and college, the Trump administration and House and Senate Republican leaders today offered a plan that provides...
MomsRising's picture

Puerto Rico and The U.S. Virgin Islands Need You!

September 27, 2017
143 hours. That’s how much time I spent without electricity after Hurricane Irma hit Central Florida. We had a generator and could run to the gas station whenever it needed gas, though. We also had cases and cases of water, food, and medicine. Communications were in and out and I could barely speak...
Sili Recio's picture
Take Action!

Tell the Portland City Council: Earned Sick Days are a WIN-WIN-WIN!

September 22, 2017
Exciting things are afoot in Portland, ME! Just this Monday, an earned paid sick days proposal was introduced to the City Council that would enable workers to earn up to six paid sick days each year. (Time for a major happy dance!) Earned sick days are a win-win-win for working families, businesses, and the Portland economy.
Sara Alcid's picture

A Prayer to End Child Poverty in Our Time

September 15, 2017
We know what to do to end child poverty if we want to in rich America. The U.S. Census Bureau reported this week that the number of children in poverty declined slightly again for the second year, but that children shamefully are still our poorest age group. More than 13.2 million children – 18...
Marian Wright Edelman's picture

Please join the U.S. Child Poverty Action Group for the #EndChildPoverty Twitterstorm this Monday, September 18th!

September 15, 2017
This week the U.S. Census Bureau released annual data on child poverty. Here is some analysis of the numbers, which you can read more about in this letter sent to Congress and in my blog post . In addition, next week, the U.S. Child Poverty Action Group will be leading a Twitterstorm to share these...
Cara Baldari's picture
Take Action!

No tax cuts for wealthy corporations!

September 13, 2017
Right now, many of us have our eyes trained on Hurricane Irma, concerned about people in the path of its progress. When it rains, it pours. There’s a storm of a whole other kind brewing in our nation’s capitol—it’s one that’s not being tracked by radar on national news, and doesn’t have a catchy...
Elyssa Schmier's picture

New School Year, Same Uncertainty for Parents Without Paid Sick Days

September 7, 2017
For kids, heading back to school can be an anxious and exciting time – figuring out new routines, adjusting to different teachers and classmates and navigating changes in social and academic environments, all while growing and learning. Employed parents stress about these changes too, but the millions of moms, dads and caregivers without access to paid sick time also have to worry about cold and flu season and what will happen if their kids get sick.
National Partnership for Women and Families's picture
