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Family Economic Security

Women Workers and Unpredictable Scheduling

October 20, 2015
Unpredictable work schedules for hourly, low wage workers are on the rise in the US. These last minute, just-in-time schedules have a disproportionatel impact women workers and their families. On Wednesday, October 21 California Assemblymember Lorena Gonzalez, Charing an Assembly Select Committee...
Jenya Cassidy's picture

Are you one of the 56% American Mothers Who “Prefer” to Stay Home?

October 17, 2015
New data from Gallup suggests that 56% of moms would prefer to stay home with kids than work outside the home, and 39% of women without young children would like the role of a homemaker. This is down from recent years. According to Gallup, in the late 1990s to early 2000s, more than half of women...
To-wen Tseng's picture

Congress: Stop Scaring Us

October 15, 2015
Tell Congress: Don't scare us - get to work! Increase the debt limit and #StopTheCuts by Halloween.
Debbie Weinstein's picture

Twitterstorm 10/21: Tell Congress to Get to Work and #StopTheCuts

October 14, 2015
Tell Congress real people are harmed when vital programs are cut. Join the #StopTheCuts twitterstorm Oct. 21, 2015 at 1pm ET.
Lecia Imbery's picture

Pregnant & Standing All Day in Pennsylvania?

October 14, 2015
Do you think it’s absurd that some employers can still fire pregnant workers for things like, oh, needing to go to the bathroom, or for asking to sit instead of stand at a cash register? And do you believe that no one's best interests are served when moms are forced to pump breastmilk in a bathroom...
Karen Showalter's picture

New Hampshire! What does a family friendly workplace look like to you?

October 7, 2015
There is so much going on in New Hampshire. The foliage is changing and candidates are everywhere! There are discussions about paid leave, about strengthening the middle class and taking a stand for families and even more recently family friendly workplaces. But, I wonder - are we all talking the...
Christina DAllesandro's picture
Take Action!

“All In” in New Hampshire - What Paid Family Leave Means for Our Families

October 7, 2015
Recently, author Josh Levs was interviewed on NHPR’s The Exchange about his new book “All In” in which he advocates for changing the policies around paid family leave in the United States. I am thrilled to see that this issue is being discussed in New Hampshire, and want to thank the Women’s Foundation for bringing Levs in to talk about this critical issue.
Christina DAllesandro's picture

Paternity Leave Empowers Dads to Help with Breastfeeding

September 30, 2015
Chinese University of Hong Kong recently implemented a policy allowing mothers breastfeeding breaks. The policy was criticized by an anonymous Internet user, claiming it’s “unjust to men.” The post went viral and became the subject of a backlash from other Internet users. Some said, “We’re sure the...
To-wen Tseng's picture

What I Said At My Synagogue About MomsRising For Yom Kippur

September 25, 2015
As a long-time member of in North Carolina and an active member of my local synagogue, I was humbled when our Rabbi invited me to share about our work as part of this year’s Yom Kippur service. Yom Kippur is the holiest day of the year in Judaism, also known as the Day of Atonement...
Jessica Burroughs's picture

Unshared Recovery: 46 Million Poor; Poverty Rate Unchanged

September 18, 2015
New data released by the Census Bureau show that poverty remains too high and the economic recovery is unshared.
Debbie Weinstein's picture
