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Family Economic Security


Play #SOTU BINGO online for the 2016 State of the Union Address!

January 12, 2016
Let's make watching the State of the Union fun! Play #SOTU BINGO with us to help track whether or not the issues of greatest concern to women, moms, and families are covered in the speech. And you can keep an eye out for those fun moments, too-- there are squares for jokes, for who's standing and...
Anita's picture

#NHPrimaryConcerns - join the conversation

January 7, 2016
New Hampshire gets a lot of attention these days, with so many candidates running around the state it is hard to avoid the hordes of media that are hot on their tails. However, I ask you this - Are they talking about what you are interested in? Every Child Matters and MomsRising want to make sure...
Christina DAllesandro's picture

Moms Meetups coming your way in 2016!

January 6, 2016
It’s the New Year and we've got a new experiment we'd like to do with you (yes, you!). We've had a ton of requests recently to have a way for our members to gather together in-person, offline, in a regular way to talk about important current topics and hang out with other cool, secret superhero...
Nina Perez's picture

Paid Sick Days: Zero Reindeer Games Left to Play

December 22, 2015
It's beginning to look a lot like flu season, but OVER HALF of working moms can't earn a single paid sick day.
Sara Alcid's picture

$2 a Day: The Cost of a Fractured Community

December 22, 2015
Join our webinar on "$2 a Day: Living on Almost Nothing in America" and then comment on our blog. Whether or not you’ve lived in poverty, your perspective on what can help build a supportive community is most welcome.
Debbie Weinstein's picture
Celebrate Wins!

Wow, You Did All THAT in 2015? MomsRising WINS!

December 17, 2015
Sometimes it’s hard to see the many ways that small actions like signing a petition, sharing your personal experience, making a call, attending a local meeting, or playing a MomsVote debate game on social media add up over time and make a big difference. They do. Because we are MomsRising together...
Kristin's picture

Paring down Paris: What's it mean for families?

December 14, 2015
OK, so Julie and I didn’t actually storm the podium at the international climate change talks in Paris. But we are elated that a historic decision was reached there which lays the foundation for justice and hope for all of the world’s people. The Paris Agreement holds great promise for families in...
Roberta Riley's picture
Take Action!

Working Moms Still Don’t Have Enough Support at Work. Let’s Change This.

December 11, 2015
When I was still a working reporter serving as a staff writer at a Chinese-language newspaper’s Los Angeles Bureau, I sat on the floor in the bathroom stall between assignments to pump breast milk for my then 3-month-old son while my colleagues went to bathroom, knocked on the door and occasionally told me to hurry up. After each pumping session I moved to the office kitchen to wash the pump parts, trying to ignore my colleagues stating behind me and saying “don’t wash your dirty panties here.”
To-wen Tseng's picture

Health Insurance Is Key to Addressing Native American Health Disparities

December 3, 2015
November is Native American Heritage Month, a time for the country to remember and honor the histories, contributions, and struggles of the 566 federally recognized tribes and the 5.4 million American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/AN) living in the United States. November is also the first month...
Sinsi Hernández-Cancio's picture

A Special Match for #GivingTuesday

December 1, 2015
You gave thanks. You ate delicious food. You got deals. Now, it’s time to give back! Today is Giving Tuesday, a national day of celebrating and supporting the causes that matter most to us – like making the world a better, safer, more just place for women, moms and families. To mark this day,...
Kristin's picture
