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Family Economic Security

Congress Insists on Cuts to Offset Emergencies and Food for Children but not for Corporate Tax Breaks

March 18, 2016
The same members of Congress who pushed for corporate tax breaks without offsets are now the ones calling for cuts to low-income programs to reduce the debt.
Lecia Imbery's picture
Take Action!

Back up President Obama's Executive Order on Paid Sick Days!

March 17, 2016
Whether it’s walking pneumonia or the flu, germs happen and kids and parents get sick. It’s just a fact. This is why allowing people to earn paid sick days as they work is pure common sense! Join me in calling on the U.S. Department of Labor to move paid sick days forward for over 800,000 employees...
Sara Alcid's picture

¡Un millón de mujeres encarceladas en EE.UU.!

March 15, 2016
Un millón de mujeres , la mayoría madres de familia, están encarceladas en Estados Unidos. Dos tercios de las mujeres en las prisiones federales están encarceladas debido a casos no violentos de abuso de drogas. Necesitan tratamiento y terapia -- ¡no estar encarceladas! Nuestro sistema penal les...
Beatriz Beckford's picture

Paid Sick Days are now the LAW in Vermont!

March 14, 2016
WE DID IT! Paid sick days are now the law in the Green Mountain State.
Sara Alcid's picture

Have FOMO this Tax Season: Cash in on Credits

March 11, 2016
There were 7 million of you out there, many of them moms, who recently missed out on the Earned Income Tax Credit. The EITC is a key opportunity during tax time for working Americans to infuse some cash into their households. For a filer with children -- this averaged to $3074 in 2013. Yet, year...
Rose Afriyie's picture

Join us on March 15th for the #TaxChat Tweetchat!

March 10, 2016
Join us as we talk taxes at our #TaxChat Tweetchat on March 15th!
Elyssa Schmier's picture

Life as a Parent with an Unstable Work Schedule

March 10, 2016
MKD Family Photo 2015.jpg Google family calendar. Outlook work calendar. The calendar app that syncs my electronic calendars on my phone. My 2016 annual planner. The calendar that hangs on my kitchen wall. These are the tools that I use every day (in the attempt) to keep my schedule organized. As a...
Mary Kay Devine's picture


March 4, 2016
Flint is experiencing a disaster and needs relief urgently. Senators should act now to stop the suffering and speed the process of repair.
Lecia Imbery's picture

Keep Calm & Carry On With #PaidLeave4DC!

March 3, 2016
Get ready to break into a smile as you scroll down to see some fun pictures of DC MomsRising volunteers & their cute kids working on passing #PaidLeave4DC with hearts, glitter, targeted messaging, and superhero capes!
Sara Alcid's picture

Since 2010, Human Needs Programs Suffer Congress' Budget Ax

March 1, 2016
A Coalition on Human Needs analysis released this week shows that over the past six years, dating back to fiscal year 2010, funding for many of our country’s most important priorities has shrunk. We need Congress to recognize that an investment in people is an investment in our economy, which would benefit everyone. We are seeing the harm now from years of cuts. It is time to rebuild.
Debbie Weinstein's picture
