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Family Economic Security

What Moms Really Need for Mother's Day

May 6, 2016
Flowers are purchased, cards are mailed and brunch reservations are made. Mother’s Day is here again. But what many moms really need for this holiday is something much different – and much more substantial. Just in time for Mother’s Day, the Department of Labor held an event yesterday to discuss...
Lecia Imbery's picture

Child Watch® Column: Stories of Mother Love

May 6, 2016
As we celebrate mothers and grandmothers, foster mothers, and all those who step in to parent children in need, let’s pledge to take responsibility not only for our own children and grandchildren but for all children or at least for one child who may not be our own.
Marian Wright Edelman's picture

Mothers’ Day is Another Day to Struggle for Justice When Your Child is Behind Bars

May 4, 2016
After their sons were brutally murdered , Sybrina Fulton (mother of Trayvon Martin), Lesley McSpadden (mother of Michael Brown), and Samaria Rice (mother of Tamir Rice) became household names and national beacons of strength. They were not trained or professional activists. They were simply mothers...
Ebony Slaughter-Johnson's picture

President Obama visits Flint, samples water

May 4, 2016
President Obama Wednesday visited Flint, Michigan to highlight the federal government’s response to the lead poisoning scandal and to renew calls for Congress to pass emergency assistance for the beleaguered city of 100,000. The presidential visit comes one day after the Coalition on Human Needs...
David Elliot's picture

Fact of the Week: Number of Children Benefiting from Federal Low-income Child Care Program at 16 Year Low

May 2, 2016
The number of children receiving child care funded by the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) fell to a 16-year low, according the Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP ). The CCDBG is the primary source of federal funding for helping low-income families pay for child care, with half...
Lecia Imbery's picture

Chocolate is Nice. Equality is Better!

April 29, 2016
Mother’s Day was founded with a simple and beautiful wish – to honor the person who has done more for us than anyone in the world. At MomsRising, we do more than honor moms. We empower them – every day, all year long. We unite moms to win protections from gun violence, win access to lifesaving...
Kristin's picture

'We can't fix poverty without fixing housing'

April 28, 2016
It all began with a snowball. Arleen’s 14-year-old son Jori and his cousin were throwing snowballs at passing cars. One driver took umbrage, slamming his brakes, chasing Jori into the family’s apartment and kicking down the front door. When Arleen’s landlord found out about the property damage,...
David Elliot's picture
Free Webinar!

Free webinar on pregnancy, family leave, & breastfeeding!

April 28, 2016
“I’m pregnant and my doctor says I should try to drink more water during the day, but my boss says I can’t have a water bottle at my check out lane. Is that legal?” “How much time away from work after my baby is born am I allowed to take without losing my job?”“I had my baby a four weeks ago and I’...
Sili Recio's picture

Raise that wage.

April 21, 2016
Members of Congress and workers’ advocates today renewed their push for an increase in the hourly federal minimum wage to $12 – a move that would reflect the recent frenzy of state and local movement on the issue and would mean larger pay checks for 35 million Americans. Originally sponsored one...
David Elliot's picture

Vote Needed: New bumper sticker!

April 20, 2016
A few weeks ago, we asked supporters like you to come up with clever ideas for our new bumper sticker. With Mother’s Day just around the corner, we sought a slogan to fire up and unite moms and show the power of our movement. You delivered! More than 500 creative supporters submitted ideas for our...
Kristin's picture
