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Family Economic Security

Paul Ryan’s Recycled, Pro-Poverty Plan

June 16, 2016
House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) recently unveiled what he refers to as “ a #BetterWay to fight poverty in America .” With all due respect, sir… Inigo Montoya 1.gif First, although “unveiling” generally means to “ show or reveal to others for the first time ,” the agenda released this month presents...
Julie Vogtman's picture

What Works - and What Doesn't - to Reduce Poverty and Expand Opportunity

June 14, 2016
Join the Coalition on Human Needs and cosponsors on Thursday, June 16 for a live-streamed event looking at effective anti-poverty programs and how the recently released Ryan poverty plan measures up.
Lecia Imbery's picture

Dile al Presidente y al Congreso EE.UU.: ¡Apoyen a las familias puertorriqueñas, no a los financieros de Wall Street!

June 9, 2016
Una maravillosa y hermosa comunidad de EE.UU.—Puerto Rico— se enfrenta a un colapso financiero , en el que las mujeres, niños y familias correrán el mayor riesgo. Para comprender lo que sucede, llamé a un par de familiares que viven allí. Lo que me dijeron fue inquietante. Mi prima, Sandra Castro,...
Elisa Batista's picture

Rep. Mark Takano reads MomsRising member story at Congressional briefing on overtime

June 9, 2016
MomsRising members are being heard! Soledad, a member in California, shared her personal story on needing overtime protections. We delivered it to her Congressperson, Rep. Mark Takano, who read her story as part of a Congressional hearing on the overtime rule. Rep. Takano said, "It's important not...
Elyssa Schmier's picture

Tell President Obama and Congress: Stand with Puerto Rican Families, Not Wall Street!

June 7, 2016
An amazing and beautiful community in the U.S. — Puerto Rico — is facing financial collapse , putting women, children and families at most risk. To grasp what is going on, I called a couple of family members there. What they shared with me is disturbing. My cousin Sandra Castro said she knew...
Elisa Batista's picture

Head Smacker: Rental Assistance to Families with Children Falls as Need Rises

June 6, 2016
High rents, especially when combined with flat wages and an economic recovery that hasn’t reached low-income families, means an increased need for rental assistance. Unfortunately, however, a new report from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities shows that the number of families with children receiving federal rent subsidies has fallen by over 250,000 since 2004 and is at its lowest point in more than a decade, despite rising need.
Lecia Imbery's picture

It Makes Me Sick That We Don't Have Paid Sick Days

June 1, 2016
My heart sunk when I got the call from school telling me that Ch arlie, my 2nd grader, was in the nurse's office with the pukes. I quickly made arrangements wit h my supervisor to use paid sick time that afternoon and headed ho me to care for my child. MomsRising Paid Sick Days Charles Photo.jpg...
Mary Kay Devine's picture

Creative • Cute • Powerful! Delivering #PaidLeave4DC Baby Onesies to the DC Council

June 1, 2016
We're on the cusp of a victory and, together, we can make sure that the DC council passes 12 weeks of paid family and medical leave this month! We can't afford to wait any longer for this important legislation.
Sara Alcid's picture
Take Action!

Minneapolis is on the cusp of passing earned sick time!

May 26, 2016
GREAT NEWS: The Minneapolis City Council is voting on the earned sick time ordinance this week and they need to hear from YOU!
Sara Alcid's picture

SNAP, TANF, and a Better Path

May 26, 2016
The nation’s core economic security programs are highly effective: they cut poverty almost in half, improve nutrition and health care for millions of people, and promote work. Protecting and strengthening anti-poverty programs is of utmost importance. That’s why the Coalition on Human Needs will be hosting a live-streamed event on June 16, 1-3pm ET, highlighting the good these programs do, how certain proposals would lessen their effectiveness and ways they can be improved upon.
Lecia Imbery's picture
