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Sodium and the Evidence for Decreasing Sodium Intake - Learn More at #FoodFri

July 23, 2015
Author's Note: Although this chat ended you can click to read the July 24, 2015 #FoodFri STORIFY - a curated list of said chat's tweets compiled into a story format, to learn more about the topic, review chat resources and engage with chat panelist(s) and participants. Please join @ MomsRising , @...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

Not too late to Save our Food Choices!

July 22, 2015
Dear other Moms who want to know what we are feeding our children, ourselves and our families: I am reaching out as a member of to encourage everyone to pick up the phone NOW to help stop this horrible pre-emptive measure that prohibits the democratic process and would make it...
Lora O'Connor's picture

Good Food Force Update: Eid Mubarak, Pizza Farm and more!

July 21, 2015
Greetings! And Eid Mubarak! This week we're sharing another great round of reports, resources and videos, as well as a report-back from the recent Good Food Force Meet Up in Orlando, Florida. Have something you'd like to share in a future Good Food Force Update? Please email
Karen Showalter's picture

Good Food Force Update: Ugly is the New Black, latest on state campaigns & more!

July 13, 2015
Greetings! We have lots of great stuff to share this week, including the latest on what's happening in NY, NC and IL. Be sure to check out three powerful new resources from our partners, too. Have something you'd like to share in a future Good Food Force Update? Please email ...
Karen Showalter's picture

Fact of the Week: Half of Children in Public Schools are Eligible for Free or Reduced Lunch

July 10, 2015
Just over half of public school children are in families with near-poverty income levels that make them eligible for free or reduced lunch. See where your state stands and what you can do to help kids get nutritious meals during summer, too.
Lecia Imbery's picture

A Guide to a Healthy Ramadan

July 9, 2015
As we enter the last days of Ramadan, many of us boost our spiritual practice to reap the immense rewards promised during these blessed days. We have gotten into a routine of waking up for suhur (pre-dawn meal), being vigilant in our daily ibadah (religious practice), breaking fast with our family...
Sumiya Khan's picture

An interview with Yvonne Maffei: Food Writer & Culinary Educator in the Muslim Community

July 9, 2015
Author: As a mother of three young children and a public health practitioner, I was drawn to the Yvonne Maffei’s blog: “ My Halal Kitchen ”. In amongst her recipes are insights on developing wholesome and healthy family eating traditions. She publishes sumptuous recipes, full of fruits and...
Khadija Gurnah's picture

Have you tasted Ugly? It's the New Black and We Hope It Stays! #FoodFri

July 9, 2015
Have you heard? Ugly is the new black! Ugly fruit and vegetables that is. They're tasty, nutritious and oftentimes much cheaper than other produce. But best of all, eating cosmetically imperfect, wonky, or "ugly" fruit and veggies can help end waste, which is at an all time high. Although there are...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

Fasting, Socializing and Solitude

July 9, 2015
I can say, with an overwhelming amount of certainty that every observant Muslim working, living and socializing in spaces not exclusively Muslim centered has engaged in some variation of the “fasting isn’t that bad” talk. I had one a few days before the start of Ramadan. By the time the...
Kamilah Pickett's picture

Join us for a Healthy Ramadan Tweetchat! #GFFRamadan

July 7, 2015
Author's Note: Although this chat ended you can click to read the July 8, 2015 #FoodFri STORIFY - a curated list of said chat's tweets compiled into a story format, to learn more about the topic, review chat resources and engage with chat panelist(s) and participants . Ramadan is a holy month of...
Migdalia Rivera's picture
