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Receta: Huevos Veganos

May 21, 2015
Los huevos veganos son una deliciosa y muy saludable receta que nos ayuda a sustituir el consumo de huevos sin perder los beneficios de recibir una excelente fuente de proteinas e hierro y puede llegar a tener altos contenidos de calcio y magnesio. Ademas al ser bajo en calorías es ideal en la...
Diana Rodriguez's picture

A Year in the Family Garden: May, and Some Basics

May 20, 2015
Here in Pennsylvania, we’ve jumped from cool spring to hot summer over night. But don’t worry - there’s plenty of time to get a garden started! In fact, you’re just in time. Some tips for starting your family garden this year: 1. Quick primer on the basics. Anyone can garden. You don’t need special...
Karen Showalter's picture

Sugerencias saludables para todos

May 19, 2015
El año pasado me invitaron a hablar en un evento de Bienestar en el Bronx. ¡Estaba súper emocionada! Conocía el área bien. De hecho, pasé gran parte de mis años formativos en las inmediaciones y tenía muchos buenos recuerdos de mi niñez en los alrededores. Lo único que no me gustó fue la...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

Brooklyn MomsRising MeetUp: Shower Me Community Baby Shower

May 19, 2015 recently co-sponsored a Shower Me community baby shower, celebrating expecting moms in their second and third trimesters of pregnancy. As part of this local meet up, 25 beautiful moms-to-be were gifted essential nursery supplies, clothing and gear, information on prenatal and...
Beatriz Beckford's picture

Good Food Force Update: #MissionPossible, DQ, Popsicles and more!

May 18, 2015
Greetings! There's so much to talk about this week, from Dairy Queen pulling soda from kids menus, to reflecting on food justice, to yummy summer recipes. Please read and share! 1. HOT LINE #MissionPossible This week MomsRising joined dozens of women leaders, including elected leaders Nancy Pelosi...
Karen Showalter's picture

“They Just Have to Make It Right”: The First Year of the Massachusetts Law on Standards for Pregnant Women in Prison

May 15, 2015
One year ago today, I was thrilled to have a front-row seat when the Massachusetts governor signed the pregnancy care and anti-shackling bill into law. Twelve months later, my mood is tempered by the mixed picture we see around the state, from full compliance with the law on paper to violations of...
Rachel Roth's picture

When Breast Milk Goes Big Business

May 14, 2015
This past weekend I joined a dozen of local mothers (and fathers) for a stroll walk , raising funds and awareness for the importance of human donor milk. Why donor milk? Well, much has been said about the benefits of breast milk for babies. It is the feeding method recommended by the American...
To-wen Tseng's picture

Healthy Yogurt-Fruit Popsicles

May 13, 2015
Summer is almost here! Time for healthy, frozen snacks!
Elyssa Schmier's picture

Summer Food Service Program: Feeding Hungry Kids When School Is Out #FoodFri #Tweetchat

May 13, 2015
Summer vacation is something all children look forward to, but unfortunately hunger doesn’t take a vacation. More than 2 1 million American children depend on free, or reduced-price school meals, during the school year, and when school cafeterias close, many of these children lose their most...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

Helen Chávez recuerda a las trabajadoras agrícolas en el Día de las Madres

May 8, 2015
Cuando mi esposo César Chávez y yo ayudamos a fundar la union de campesinos ("United Farm Workers" en inglés) en 1962, quedó claro que el sindicato era para hombres y mujeres por igual. Por eso, que mejor ocasión que el Día de las Madres para recordar a las mujeres y madres por las que sigue...
Helen F. Chavez's picture
