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Helen Chavez remembers women farm workers on Mother’s Day

May 8, 2015
When my husband, Cesar Chavez, and I helped begin the United Farm Workers in 1962, it was clear that the union was equally for women and men. So what better time than Mother’s Day to remember the women and mothers the UFW is still fighting for. Nowhere do women farm workers need more protection...
Helen F. Chavez's picture

Food Revolution Day: Fight for Food Education

May 8, 2015
As you may know, recently I launched a global petition to fight for compulsory, practical food education for all children in schools across the world. Within a month, we had well over 700,000 signatures but now I really need your help to get more. I profoundly believe that it is every child’s human...
Jamie Oliver's picture

2 Days Left to Stand Up for Your Plate and Your Planet: Sustainability in our US Dietary Guidelines

May 7, 2015
“Don’t eat your children’s food!” - These are the words of Dr. David Katz , founding Director of Yale University’s Prevention Research Center, written to describe a very important recommendation made by the scientists tasked with updating the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. For the first...
Christiana Wyly's picture

McDonald's School Sponsorships and FREE Coupons: Signs of a Caring Corporation or Something Else? #FoodFri

May 7, 2015
McTeacher’s Nights and free coupon rewards are just a few of the ways McDonald’s markets to children in our schools. Are these signs of a caring corporation or something else? Join our #FoodFri tweetchat on Friday, May 8, 2015, at 1pm, Eastern, to learn more, share your experiences and discover...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

4 Tools to Keep Us Healthy

May 5, 2015
Food should be safe; that ought to go without saying. Yet, the recent string of food-related illness outbreaks has made it clear that you can’t take food safety for granted. Blue Bell ice cream, Sabra Hummus, Trader Joe's chicken sausage... the list goes on. The worst thing, in my mind, is that I...
Anya Vanecek's picture

Where We Live Matters. These Healthy Suggestions Work for All.

May 4, 2015
Last year I was invited to speak at a Wellness event in the Bronx. I was beyond excited! I knew the area well. In fact, I spent a good chunk of my formative years in the vicinity and had lots of fond memories living in the nearby tenements. What I didn’t like was the information being presented...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

What MOMentum Has Accomplished in 2015 (So Far!)!

May 4, 2015
Well, you’ve done it again. And this time, you even got everyone in the U.S. Senate to agree on something. Every. Single. Senator. Yes, you heard that right! All members of the U.S. Senate actually agreed on something... and that something was the fact that pregnant workers shouldn't be...
Kristin's picture

Join MomsRising in Ann Arbor for a Fun Meet-Up!

May 1, 2015
Join MomsRising in Ann Arbor on May 16th for a fun, kid-friendly meet-up where we will be talking local foods and healthy snacks. Everyone gets a popsicle mold and recipes! Bring your kids, bring a friend, and come hang out with us.
Elyssa Schmier's picture

Pot Lucking Co-operatives and a Kale Salad Recipe

April 30, 2015
10 years ago some friends and I got together and decided to start our own school. Thinking back on it, it now feels somewhat radical and surreal. It was bold, since none of us were actually professional educators at the time. We were just new parents who shared a passion and respect for progressive...
Ola Ronke's picture

Join #FoodFri to Discuss A Game-Changing Option: Healthy, Balanced Meals to Fuel Students Minds!

April 30, 2015
To be equipped for success in the classroom, students need to fuel their minds with healthy, balanced meals each day. The Community Eligibility Provision is a game-changing option that enables high poverty schools to serve nutritious breakfasts and lunches to all students at no cost. Under the...
Migdalia Rivera's picture
