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Una Historia Personal: Alimentación Más Derechos de Los Estudiantes Inmigrantes

April 13, 2015
Era el día de San Valentín del 2001. Tenía ocho años de edad cuando mis padres y yo cruzamos la frontera de EE.UU. provenientes de Zacatecas, México en busca de las mejores oportunidades que podía ofrecer el llamado “Sueño Americano”. Durante varias generaciones, mi familia se ganó la vida a través...
Isaias Vasquez's picture

#FoodFri Tweetchat: Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Let's Chat #GMO Labeling In Infant Formula!

April 9, 2015
Consumers have a right to know which nutritional products contain GMOs so they can make informed decisions, especially when it comes to our most vunerable - infants. One of the widest used infant formulas, often given free at the hospital, Similac infant formula. Abbot Labororatories, the maker of...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

Helping Our Kids Choose Health Now, And as Adults

April 9, 2015
Right now, we’re celebrating National Public Health Week , which is focused on how we can become the healthiest nation possible by 2030. Fifteen years from now, my daughter will be beginning her adult life—that feels like a long way off, but it’ll be here before I know it. As a public health...
Ellie Gladstone's picture
Take Action!

Got a minute? Mom to Mom: We Really Need Your Help!

April 7, 2015
Got a minute? Mom to mom: we really need your help to keep the pressure on Nickelodeon to STOP marketing junk food to kids! Can you add your voice? You see, Nickelodeon has a huge influence on children, like my son J.P. A 2012 study by the Center for Science and the Public Interest found that 69%...
Karen Showalter's picture

Good Food Force Update: Dietary Guidelines, film screenings, caption contest & more!

April 6, 2015
Greetings! This week we're talking about the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and sharing details of exciting conversations happening online and on the ground. Enjoy! 1. HOT LINE Important updates to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans! Love nutrition facts labels? We do too! And DYK? Those labels...
Karen Showalter's picture

Dietary Guidlines for Americans: expert, helpful advice for moms & families!

April 3, 2015
Ever been in the store trying to buy food or snacks for your family before someone has a meltdown? That’s pretty much the scene every time I go shopping with my young kids these days. There’s a solution. More complete nutrition labels on food in stores can help us all with speedy, healthy shopping...
Karen Showalter's picture

Are there toxic heavy metals in your Easter chocolate?

April 3, 2015
A recent study found toxic heavy metals in over 60% of the chocolate products they tested. This is unacceptable.
Anya Vanecek's picture

A Story of Self: Food + Immigrant Student Rights

April 3, 2015
It was Valentine’s Day, 2001. I was eight years old when my parents and I crossed the U.S border from Zacatecas Mexico, in search of better opportunities that the so-called “American Dream” had to offer. Through several generations my family made a living from agriculture; we grew corn, the maiz...
Isaias Vasquez's picture

#FoodFri Tweetchat: Students Fight for Food Justice!

April 2, 2015
Not yet an adults, but no longer children, teenagers often feel discounted during talks about healthy food. Young adults want a seat at the table and we need to make room for them. Their experiences within the school system, and the community at large, can provide insight and open a gateway toward...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

Good Food Force Update: Junk food marketing to kids, April Fools' Day ideas & more!

March 27, 2015
Greetings! This week we're talking about junk food marketing to kids, updates to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, and fun ways to celebrate April Fools' Day with the family! Please enjoy and share! 1. HOT LINE Experts agree: protect ALL kids from junk food marketing! Recent voluntary efforts...
Karen Showalter's picture
