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Families Need Stronger Protection Against Superbugs

March 27, 2015
Last year, President Obama formed the 'National Task Force for Combating Resistant Bacteria' to put together a 5-year plan to prevent what many experts see as the public health crisis of our time: antibiotic-resistant superbugs. Its members released their plan this morning. It isn't bad, but it...
Anya Vanecek's picture

When Mealtime is a Battleground

March 26, 2015
While many of us know how difficult motherhood can be, it’s easy to underestimate the amount of time and energy that goes into meal-planning for a growing child, a decision-making process that begins with breastfeeding and doesn’t stop there. Regardless of whether you are pregnant or the mother of...
Martelle Esposito's picture

New report: kids still targeted by sugary and energy drink companies

March 26, 2015
Despite some improvements in recent years, a new report by the UConn Rudd Center shows that beverage companies have a long way to go to when it comes to how they're targeting our kids, and backing parents up as we make healthy decisions for our families. Parents know: sugary drinks pose a massive...
Karen Showalter's picture
Take Action!

Experts agree: protect all kids from junk food marketing

March 25, 2015
Did you know? Each year, U.S. food and beverage companies spend nearly $2 billion (Yes, that’s billion with a “b”!) marketing to children — and most ads promote unhealthy foods and drinks.[1] Whether they're putting our kids' favorite characters on junk food packaging, sending special deals and...
Karen Showalter's picture

Good Food Force Update: Hands off SNAP!, #FoodFri, conversation on faith & food, & more!

March 25, 2015
1. HOT LINE Moms Tell Congress: "Hands off SNAP!" The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is one of the strongest tools our country has in combating hunger and poverty. 3.8 million children in this country currently live in households experiencing food insecurity. 46 million people—...
Karen Showalter's picture

#FoodFri Tweetchat: Stand UP for Science Based Dietary Guidelines!

March 25, 2015
Since joining MomsRising, I’ve shared many personal stories, including my family heart disease history , my oldest son's high blood pressure scare , growing up in a food desert and so much more. I've shared these stories because they need to be heard. They are happening in countless homes across...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

Hands off SNAP!!

March 22, 2015
One in five children in the U.S. rely on SNAP for their meals, yet Congress keeps making major cuts to the program while giving bigger tax breaks to big business and billionaires! We need to tell them "hands off SNAP!!!"
Elyssa Schmier's picture

#FoodFri Tweetchat: Food Science and Healthy Foods

March 19, 2015
Our children are facing an epidemic. Currently, one-third of our nation's children are obese and 15.8 million are food insecure - meaning they lack access to affordable, nutritious foods. And, food insecurity is associated with an increase in childhood obesity . So how how can science help us stem...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

Afterschool Programs Keep Kids on the Move toward Good Health

March 18, 2015
These days, keeping our children healthy and fit sometimes seems like an unwinnable war. Getting kids to eat their spinach, drink water or low-fat milk instead of soda, and put down the video game console can test the will of even the most determined mom or caregiver. Fortunately, we have a strong...
Gretchen's picture

Good Food Force Update: Mom Victory! Burger King drops soda from kid's meals

March 17, 2015
This week we're basking in the glow of a huge mom victory -- getting Burger King and Wendy's to drop soda as a default beverage in kid's meals!
Karen Showalter's picture
