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The Facebook page that proved black women do breastfeed

February 12, 2015
Tell us about Black Women Do Breastfeed (BWDBF) and how it began. When I had my first child in 2009, I used to turn to the internet to find breastfeeding information and community with other breastfeeding moms. I quickly noticed that there were not many images or stories of modern Black...

#BlkBFing Next Door: Local changemakers in the African-American breastfeeding movement shine for Black History Month

February 12, 2015
The changemakers featured in this blog carnival are creating a national groundswell for breastfeeding by leading from within their communities and affirming Black families with skill, training, socio-cultural relevance and collaboration.
Anayah Sangodele-Ayoka's picture

Sherry Payne leads with a village of perinatal health support in Kansas City

February 12, 2015
Tell us about your work and how it began. I founded Uzazi Village in 2012 after a career as a labor and delivery nurse, and later as faculty teaching maternal infant health. I wanted to have a more direct impact on perinatal (pregnancy-related) health outcomes in my community. I wrote a curriculum...
Sherry Payne's picture

View From A Rack, a talk show on breastfeeding

February 12, 2015
Tell us about View From A Rack and how it began. Moon : I started View From A Rack because countless women have numerous questions about breastfeeding and mothering and there was really no one to ask. A lot of women reached out to me and needed to have someone they could trust to show them they are...
Afrykayn Moon's picture

Planting a Seed

February 12, 2015
1. The early years… the seed is planted Plant-Seed.jpg Image courtesy of Words in my food lexicon - white rice (I eat mine with butter and sugar – none of that salt and pepper crap), white flour (for making biscuits and frying chicken), white bread, and white sugar. Words NOT in my...
Kristy Sinkfied's picture

#FoodFri Tweetchat: Let's Chat about Teeth Friendly Foods for Kids!

February 11, 2015
This week we’re chatting about healthy teeth foods in honor of National Children’s Dental Health Month ! Oral health and food go hand and hand; as a result, we’re bringing out the big guns to answer your questions! Join #FoodFri on Friday, February 13, 2105, at 1pmEST. Our panelists, @teeth_matter...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

Table for Two pushes for public lactation spaces

February 11, 2015
Tell us about Table for Two and how it began. Table for Two (TFT) is a community organization that seeks to establish public lactation rooms for breastfeeding mothers. We provide grassroots and real-world approaches to building global breastfeeding acceptance. The signature TFT campaign asks the...
Sojourner Marable Grimmett's picture

4 Healthy Valentine’s Day Theme Parties for School (& Home!)

February 6, 2015
Written by and reposted from School Bites Valentine’s Day is one of my favorite hol­i­days, and not because of choco­late, roses and roman­tic din­ners (let’s face it, I have three young kids…so not hap­pen­ing!). I’m actu­ally in love with the food! Pink, red and heart shapes lend them­selves to...
Karen Showalter's picture

#FoodFri Tweetchat: #NYC Introduces a Healthy Happy Meal Bill!

February 6, 2015
The Healthy Happy Meal Bill presented in NYC by Council Member Ben Kallos and drafted in partnership with parents’ groups, Center for Science in the Public Interest, and the American Heart Association is currently before the New York City Council. The bill would tie toys and other incentives that...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

Good Food Force Update: Healthy Valentine's Day, FY2016 budget and more!

February 6, 2015
Greetings! This week we're talking about funding for food and nutrition programs in President Obama's FY2016 budget, sharing tips on healthy Valentine's Day celebrations, and announcing our new Good Food Force Facebook Group! Please read and share. Thank you! 1. THE HOT LINE The Ins and Outs of...
Karen Showalter's picture
