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#FoodFri Tweetchat: Strengthening Healthy Schools

January 16, 2015
With children consuming almost half of their daily calories at school, strengthening schools so that they can provide healthy school meals, can help stem the tide of childhood obesity in the United States - which incidentally has tripled over the last 4 decades. Together, with schools, Moms (And...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

5 Tips for Cooking as a Family

January 15, 2015
For many, the mere thought of cooking as a family brings stress and uncontrollable messes; but for me the kitchen is the heart of the home, it is where we prepare the food that gives us energy and brings us together to the table. My son, who recently turned 5 years old has been exposed to what...
Maybelline Valenti's picture

Consejos para cocinar en familia con niños pequeños

January 15, 2015
Para muchos el simple hecho de pensar en cocinar en familia significa estrés y descontrol; pero para mí la cocina es el corazón del hogar, en ella se prepara la comida que nos da energía y nos mantiene unidos. Mi hijo, quien hace poco cumplió 5 años ha estado expuesto a lo que pasa en el corazón de...
Maybelline Valenti's picture

Environments are Critical - Stop the Foodie Victim Blaming

January 14, 2015
“What these families should be doing…” And that’s where she lost me. It had been a full day at the healthy food summit, full of well intentioned but misdirected physicians, restaurateurs and entrepreneurs spouting off on how we can make better choices and encourage others to do the same. It should...
Leanne Simon's picture

A Real SUPER Mom: Running a marathon while pumping!

January 13, 2015
This weekend my friend Jenn ran her 23rd marathon....and stopped half way through to breast pump! Can you say Super Mom!?
Elyssa Schmier's picture

Tips for Healthy Meal Planning!

January 13, 2015
Meal planning is the most effective way to incorporate and budget healthy eating into your family’s meals. Typically, local supermarkets will share their upcoming sales and deals mid-week. Save the sale ad and begin drafting a shopping list of the meats, fruits and vegetables on sale that week...
Denise Mestanza-Taylor's picture

6 Pasos Para Crear Un Plan de Entrenamiento Físico

January 12, 2015
Nuestra actividad de hoy viene de parte de Cristina, más conocida como “TriathlonMami”, y madre de dos niños en Miami, Florida. Una jornada de mil millas empieza por un solo paso. Toma la decisión de empezar un camino saludable y síguelo con una acción diaria. Dentro de poco, te encontrarás...
Cristina Ramirez's picture

#GFF2015: How to Incorporate Exercise in Your Family’s Daily Activities

January 12, 2015
Children do what their parents do, so make healthy choices in your everyday life and your kids will follow … for a lifetime. Here are some ideas from Cristina, aka TriathlonMami.
Cristina Ramirez's picture

#GFF2015: Cómo incorporar el ejercicio en su vida familiar todos los días

January 12, 2015
Los niños imitan a sus padres. Si tomas decisiones saludables en tu vida cotidiana, tus hijos seguirán en tus pasos ... por toda sus vidas. Aquí están algunas ideas por Cristina, conocida como "TriathlonMami".
Cristina Ramirez's picture

Six Steps to Creating a Fitness Plan

January 12, 2015
Great tips from Cristina, aka “TriathlonMami,” a mother of two rambunctious boys in Miami, Florida. A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. Make a decision to get going, and then take daily action. Here are some tips to help you get started: Write a list of why you are starting and...
Cristina Ramirez's picture
