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Winter Squash Custard and Homemade Whip Topping Recipe

November 20, 2014
Thanksgiving makes me think of family and comfort food. Gathering with the people you love the most to eat a meal that you’ve prepared together is priceless. One of the foods I love to use throughout the fall and on Thanksgiving is winter squash. There are so many different ways you can prepare and...

Estar a Gusto En Mi Casa: LATISM 2014

November 19, 2014
TopBlogueras.png ANAHEIM, Calif. -- Las fotos anteriores capturan exactamente como me sentí en la conferencia de LATISM este año: como estar a gusto en mi casa. Me encantó la alegria, el hablar el Inglés, el Español o el "Spanglish", la comida y las conversaciones. Todo me recordaba a mi infancia...
Elisa Batista's picture

Like Being At Home: LATISM 2014

November 18, 2014
The above photos say it all. The jovialness, the going back and forth between Spanish and English, the food and the conversations (more on that below) all remind me of...home. No matter the language you speak or how passionate you are on a topic, you are always welcomed home like familia.
Elisa Batista's picture

Grocery Shopping Nightmare

November 14, 2014
From the moment I step out my door the nightmare begins. My Big Boy, who is six, asks where we are going and I answer ‘the grocery store.’ Immediately the nagging begins from the Little Tike, now 3, asking for candy and bargaining good behavior for a lollipop. Mind you, he had a big lunch right...
Sarene Alsharif's picture

Banking on Health: Improving the Inventory at Food Banks

November 13, 2014
“I have the audacity to believe that peoples everywhere can have three meals a day for their bodies, education and culture for their minds, and dignity, equality and freedom for their spirits,” explained Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in 1964. Fast-forward to today, and for too many families, the idea of having three meals a day remains an audacious, out-of-reach goal.
Manel Kappagoda's picture

#FoodFri Tweetchat: Retreat Is Not An Option

November 11, 2014
Obesity is threatening the United States. Today, more than 23 million children and teenagers, approximately 1 in 3 , are obese or overweight. This number is staggering and far-reaching. Children who are obese or overweight have a higher risk of developing obesity related diseases, like diabetes,...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

#FoodFri Tweetchat: Parenting Children with Diabetes

November 6, 2014
Today more than 23 million children and teens in the U.S. are overweight or obese contributing to the rise of diabetes in our youth. As a result, it's become important for parents to learn the difference between the two types of diabetes, their symptoms, and what can be done to keep children...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

Have Diabetes? What You Can Do About It

November 6, 2014
Hi everyone, November is Diabetes Awareness Month , and I’d like to write about this detrimental disease. It’s the kind that if not treated in time will affect your eyes, give heart attacks, and your kidneys will not work properly. There are two kinds of diabetes, Type I and Type II. Type I is the...
Elisanta Batista's picture

3 Quick Yummy and Easy Recipes for Meatless Monday!

November 3, 2014
The air is getting cooler and the leaves are falling... it's the perfect time for soups! Check out these three delicious and easy soups, perfect for moms on the go like us! (Note: this post appeared on my blog,, stop on by!) 1. Cauliflower butternut squash soup Ingredients:...
Diana Limongi's picture

Examining the Family Cost of Healthy Eating

October 30, 2014
My boys love to load up on fruits. It’s much harder to get them to eat vegetables, but everything is a work in progress right? They have their healthy choices and unhealthy choices, but we are taking baby steps as a family to eliminate those unhealthy foods and replace them with the healthier...
Eileen Campos's picture
