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Crowdfeeding - Food Drives for the 21st Century

October 6, 2014
We launched our Crowd-Feeding platform in June 2014 and hosted our first food drive campaign over the summer, partnering with Curbing Hunger and a number of other terrific organizations. The campaign raised over 56,000 LBS of food, including tons of fresh produce, to help those facing food...
Patrick O'Neill's picture

Healthy Food Superheroes UNITE!

October 3, 2014
What an exciting moment to be working on food justice! Change is happening on every front, from the new meal and snack standards in schools, to real progress being made in the fight against junk food marketing to kids. We’re so proud to have such a stellar group of moms working with us on this...
Karen Showalter's picture

#FoodFri Chat de Twitter: Consejos y Estrategias Saludables de Halloween

October 3, 2014
Octubre trae días más cortos, manzanas crujientes, calabazas y Halloween. Se anuncia al inicio de la temporada de vacaciones que durará hasta Enero. También marca el inicio de los dulces de Halloween, las fiestas escolares y una arremetida de comida chatarra a los que tus hijos están expuestos en...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

#FoodFri Tweetchat: Healthy Halloween Tips & Strategies

September 30, 2014
October brings shorter days, crisp apples, pumpkins and Halloween. It heralds in the beginning of the holiday season that will last until January. It also marks the beginning of Halloween candy, school parties and an onslaught of junk food that your kids are exposed to this time of year. Yet, we...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

Good Food Force: Alicia Keys, #MomsVote, Lunch Box Inspirations and more!

September 26, 2014
Welcome to this week's Good Food Force Update! We have a special announcement this week ... please read on, and share! 1. THE HOT LINE Announcing... #WeAreHere! HUGE news! Alicia Keys just announced she's contributing to @MomsRising & #WeAreHere partners! Find out more about #WeAreHere at: www...
Karen Showalter's picture

#FoodFri Tweetchat: Learn more about Smart Snacks + Healthy School Fundraisers!

September 25, 2014
Sick of fast-food & candy fundraisers in schools ? We are too! Thankfully, this year most states are turning to healthier school fundraisers . Consistent with the USDA’s Smart Snacks that improve the nutrition of snacks and drinks sold through the a la carte line at lunch, school stores, and...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

#FoodFri Tweetchat: Raise YOUR Voice for Healthy School Snacks!

September 18, 2014
Nationally, most students buy at least one sugary drink or snack every day in school —one of the many reasons why school food greatly affects their health. National guidelines are in place this year to make sure school snacks are healthy. Join us for FoodFri on Friday, September 19, 2014, at 1 p.m...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

Easy Peasy Recipe: Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

September 17, 2014
This post originally appeared on Published with permission. It’s pumpkin time again! Although it is the eye catching, orange fruit of the pumpkin plant that receives the honor of being the hallowed symbol of season, the seeds deserve some glory too. Think twice before you toss those...
Amanda Slater's picture

Four Good Reasons to Encourage Less Soda Consumption

September 15, 2014
Editor's Note: DYK that Mexico implemented a soda tax similar to the one proposed in Berkeley, Calif., and has been able to cut soda consumption among children as a result? To learn more, there is another panel discussion with officials from Mexico and food activist Raj Patel this Saturday,...
Elisa Batista's picture

Majority of Parents Support School Nutrition Standards and So Do I

September 15, 2014
As parents, my wife and I raise our kids to be concerned about their health—among a laundry list of other things. When they’re little, we focus on hand washing to ward off germs and prevent illnesses, teeth brushing and flossing for good oral health, activity to ensure energy balance and to keep...
Don Romoser's picture
