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Good Food Force Weekly Update: #GFF2015 challenge, and NYC meet-up this wknd!

January 8, 2015
A very happy new year to you! We hope you had some time to relax and recharge during the holidays. There's so much good work to be done promoting healthy schools and communities this year - we're excited to get started! To kick things off, we've launched a fun way to get inspired for the year ahead...
Karen Showalter's picture

#GFF2015: Como preparar comida caribeña en 30 minutos (¡VIDEO incluido!)

January 5, 2015
Como muchas madres, trabajo tiempo completo, atiendo a mis dos hijos y por lo tanto tengo muy poco tiempo para cocinar. A pesar de todo sí cocino casi todas las tardes. ¿Mi secreto? Preparo y congelo salsas que me permiten preparar cena en 30 minutos. Una de mis salsas favoritas es el sofrito...
Elisa Batista's picture

#GFF2015: Como crear un plan de entrenamiento físico cuando es una mamá ocupada

January 5, 2015
Cuando nació mi hijo en el 2003, no sabía como iba a trabajar, cuidar al bebé, y a la vez hacer ejercicio. Afortunadamente sobreviví el infierno de no dormir y cuidar a un bebé con cólicos -- ¡ja! ¡ja! ¡ja! – y sí estoy haciendo ejercicio seis días de la semana. Incluso bajé los 20 kilos que...
Elisa Batista's picture

6 Ways to Get You Organized in 2015

January 3, 2015
The Good Food Force Healthy New Year Challenge is underway. I thought I'd share a post I shared last week over on My Mamihood . Mainly because I'm still trying to prepare for an awesome and organized year and I need the reminders! Okay folks! Forty is right around the corner and this year, I want...
Sili Recio's picture

Dream It, Say It, Plan It, DO IT: Tips on Setting and Keeping Healthy New Year Resolutions!

January 1, 2015
A new year is just that: new. It’s fresh and different and electric. It’s a time to dream, plan and get inspired. A time to finally kick off that new healthy habit, or maybe a time to end that not-so-great one. And it’s also a time to sweep away the clutter, from your inbox (don’t get me started)...
Karen Showalter's picture

Announcing the Good Food Force Healthy New Year Challenge!

December 31, 2014
2015 will be our best year yet! Join the Good Food Force Healthy New Year Challenge to kick things off on a strong and healthy start. All month long, we're featuring moms offering tips on keeping New Year's Resolutions, preparing easy meals and healthy snacks, organizing your life, kicking off a...
Karen Showalter's picture

#GFF 2015: How to Make Ethiopian Food in 30 Minutes (VIDEO and Recipes Included!)

December 29, 2014
Both my husband and I work full-time and we have two small children in the home. My husband and 11-year-old son are vegetarians, which means I have to get creative with what I make for dinner. The meals must be quick due to our time crunch, and at the same time hearty enough for vegetarians and...
Elisa Batista's picture

#GFF2015: How to Create a Fitness Plan

December 29, 2014
When my son was born in 2003, I had no idea how I was ever going to exercise, much less work and keep a roof over our heads while caring for an infant – and a colicky one at that! I am pleased to announce that I survived the hellish sleep-deprived year that was my son's first year of life – lol! –...
Elisa Batista's picture

#GFF2015: How to Make a Caribbean Feast in 30 Minutes (VIDEO included!)

December 29, 2014
Like many of you out there, I work full-time, have small children, and am time-famished. Yet, I manage to cook dinner almost every evening. My secret? I prepare and freeze base sauces that allow me to churn out quick, nutritious, and hearty meals in 30 minutes or less. One of my go-to sauces is...
Elisa Batista's picture

My Game Plan to Protect Kids from Junk Food this Holiday Season

December 24, 2014
On a recent Sunday in my church, a nice lady tried to feed my 18-month-old a piece of chocolate. She wasn’t happy when I politely said "no." “Come on, why don’t you give him a treat? It’s just a leftover Halloween candy,” she said, turned to my child, “I’ll give you a treat when mommy is not around...
To-wen Tseng's picture
