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G is for Greens Part 1: Growing Mesclun and Collards

July 23, 2014
Greens get a bad rap, and it's not fair. Because they're easy to grow, they taste awesome, and they're really good for you, too! I'll admit: getting kids to eat greens can be particularly challenging, as they're something of the epitome of the "vegetable". But drawing them into the process of...
Karen Showalter's picture

#FoodFri Tweetchat: The Truth About Kids' Sports and Sport Snacks

July 23, 2014
Children's sports and sports snacks seem to go hand in hand, but should they? It's a proven fact that healthy children do better in schools . Children's sports play an integral role in keeping children healthy. It fills the gap left by the closing of physical education classes . It gets children...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

G is for Greens Part 2: Cooking with Collards

July 23, 2014
Collards are a gift. Truly. They are easy to grow, really tasty to eat and they are FULL of nutrients (they have more nutritional value than broccoli and spinach! That's saying a LOT!). IMG_20140723_144854_307.jpg Yet, cooking collards can seem daunting, because in the store the leaves seem large...
Karen Showalter's picture

G is for Greens Part 3: DIY Plantable Paper!

July 23, 2014
Homemade plantable seed paper is a simple DIY project that can be done at home in a very short time. It can be used in a variety of ways. Given that I enjoy hosting parties and gathering, I use homemade plantable seed paper as memorable party favors and gift tags! diy-plantable-seed-paper-latina-on...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

Dear Sears and Walmart, About Your Breastfeeding Faux Pas, A New Pilot Project Could Save You (And Others) Millions

July 23, 2014
We all watched with shaking heads this week as a Sears security employee posted screen shots of breastfeeding mothers that he captured from Sears security footage on Twitter. The twitterverse unleashed its fury, citing the obvious concern about violating the privacy of these unsuspecting mothers...
Kimberly Seals Allers's picture

Great news! Kids like healthier school meals!

July 22, 2014
The data is in: students like new, healthier school meals! This is a major victory for families and schools everywhere!
Karen Showalter's picture

LIVE from #Netroots: #FoodFri + #Detroit Food and Water Justice

July 18, 2014
We're excited to be tweeting LIVE from Netroots this week! Join us as we have a vibrant discussion about #Detroit food justice and water. "Detroiters are symbolic of the core values of most people in this country."-Monica Patrick #nn14 #DetroitWater #Detroit — MomsRising (@MomsRising) July 18, 2014...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

Out of the Mouths of Babes Comes the Truth About Pesticides

July 16, 2014
Most of you are undoubtedly familiar with the Hans Christian Andersen story "The Emperor's New Clothes." You may even have read it to your kids and grandkids. Remember how the two unscrupulous weavers promise the vain and pretentious emperor to create for him new clothes woven of material so...
Ruth Berlin's picture

Join us for a Virtual Town Hall Discussion on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health

July 15, 2014
We know that nutrition and health are related, but why is this of particular concern for families struggling with hunger? Join MomsRising and Feeding America July 17th for a Virtual Town Hall discussion to tackle these important issues.
Elyssa Schmier's picture

#FoodFri Tweetchat: The Not So Sweet Truth About Sugar

July 9, 2014
From diabetes to heart disease, we are seeing an unprecedented increase in diet-related illnesses throughout the country, much of it due to eating too much sugar. Bring your questions to learn the truth behind just how much added sugar we consume, why that’s so hard to find out, and what we can do...
Migdalia Rivera's picture
