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[Good Food Force] The "real" Wendy, Recipes for Dad &!

June 11, 2014
Dear Friend, Welcome to this week's Good Food Force update! We're devoting this week's issue to protecting healthy school meals! Please find an update, and some useful resources you can use to get the word out, below! 1. The Hot Line Pushback on healthy school meals continues! It's been an action...
Karen Showalter's picture

5 things I learned during the Fed Up Challenge! #Sugarfree

June 6, 2014
Note: This post was originally published on my blog, LadydeeLG. (I hope you will visit!). I'm happy to say that it's been over a week and I'm STILL drinking coffee withOUT sugar!! I took the 10 day #FedUpChallenge inspired by the team at . I decided to take on the #FedUpChallenge, and be...
Diana Limongi's picture

Making Climate Smart Choices for Your Family

June 5, 2014
June 5th is World Environment Day. It’s like Earth Day, celebrated here in the U.S., but for the whole wide World! Run by the United Nation Environment Program (or UNEP) it was established in 1972 by the U.N. General Assembly. In honor of World Environment Day 2014, Center for Food Safety’s Cool...
Diana Donlon's picture

[Good Food Force] Latest on #SaveSchoolLunch

June 5, 2014
Dear Friend, Welcome to this week's Good Food Force update! Please find updates, resources and action ideas below. 1. The Hot Line: #SaveSchoolLunch and WIC Update #SaveSchoolLunch : Over the last month we've been discussing the new pushback on school meals. This fight is happening through the...
Karen Showalter's picture

#FoodFri Tweetchat: Community Eligibilty for Free School Breakfast and Lunch

June 4, 2014
The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act will expand universal free school meals in high poverty schools in your state. This means that low-income children in high poverty schools will have access to a FREE healthy breakfast and lunch. This will change a child’s whole day, every day, for the better!...
Migdalia Rivera's picture
sugary drinks, soda, new york, nyc,

Taking a Stance on NYC’s Sugary Drink Portion Cap

June 4, 2014
The big day has finally arrived for everyone involved in the case over New York City’s policy which limits serving sizes for sugary drinks, and which I wrote about last year . Today, the Court of Appeals in New York (which is, confusingly, the state’s Supreme Court) hears arguments over the...
Manel Kappagoda's picture

The Muffin Top Manifesto

May 29, 2014
Today is my 45th birthday, and a few nights ago I witnessed a crazy, yet common, conversation among friends.
Kirstin Larson's picture

Let's Not Give up on Our Kids!

May 29, 2014
Oh, kids. So fun and funny. But sometimes -- often! -- not easy. How many times has your child (or one you know) melted down over something like having the wrong color socks, taking a bath, getting hit by a falling leaf... You know what I mean. I think we can all agree: young kids aren't exactly...
Karen Showalter's picture

#FoodFri Tweetchat: Healthy School Food Rewards and Parties

May 28, 2014
As a parent, I am super excited about today's #FoodFri Tweetchat! We're discussing healthier options for school food rewards and parties so that you, as a parent, can be prepared to offer fun, creative, healthy choices to kids of all ages! Join #FoodFri this Friday, May 30, 2014, at 1 PM EST as @...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

Pizza and french fries, five days a week?!

May 21, 2014
Dear Test, This is red-hot urgent! We need all hands on deck to tell Congress that pizza and french fries, five days a week, is not a menu we want in school cafeterias. Tell your member of Congress to put children’s health FIRST by maintaining strong nutrition standards for school meals and snacks...
Karen Showalter's picture
