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#FoodFri Tweetchat: Overuse of Antibiotics in Meat & Poultry

April 30, 2014
It's estimated that up to 50 percent of antibiotic use in people is unnecessary and up to 70 percent of antibiotics sold in the U.S. are used on healthy livestock to compensate for crowded and unsanitary farm conditions, a troubling fact considering that the more antibiotics are used, the less...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

Grow Your Own Organic Garden (tips this week on #EcoTipTue)

April 28, 2014
Are you growing a garden this year? Have a few pots of herbs and veggies? Then please join us for our weekly Twitter chat called #EcoTIpTue tomorrow. We will have lots of tips for how to grow a productive, healthy garden. Best of all, the featured guest will be Tom Philpott , writer, farmer and...
Katy Farber's picture

Request From a Mom: Stop, Now, Please!

April 25, 2014
As a mom of two little ones, I'm doing all I can to keep them happy and healthy. I try to cook fresh and healthy meals. I buy natural and organic products when I can. And I try to model good behavior. It's definitely not easy. I like sweets (a lot). I'm often too tired to argue over which snacks to...
Karen Showalter's picture

Not a joke - this actually happens

April 22, 2014
Can you believe this? There's even junk food marketing in our schools. It's enough to have to deal with junk food marketing pretty much everywhere else. But it certainly shouldn't be reading, writing, and junk food ads in schools! Help us get junk food marketing out of our schools: http://action...
Monifa Bandele's picture
Take Action

No More Junk Ads!

April 21, 2014
What the what!? There is too much junk food marketing in our schools. It's enough to have to deal with junk food marketing pretty much everywhere else. But it certainly shouldn't be reading, writing, and junk food marketing in every hall of our public schools! Join us to get standards for junk food...
Monifa Bandele's picture

#FoodFri Tweetchat: If you can't sell it, why advertise it?

April 17, 2014
Join @MomsRising and @PreventObesity this Friday, 4/18/14, at 1 p.m. EST / 10am PST for #NoMoreJunkAds, our #FoodFri tweetchat focused on creating a healthier school environment. Parents scored a huge victory last year when we won the Smart Snacks rule . Now snacks sold in school vending machines...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

#FoodFri Tweetchat: If you can't sell it, why advertise it?

April 17, 2014
Join @MomsRising and @PreventObesity this Friday, 4/18/14 at 1 p.m. EST / 10am PST for #NoMoreJunkAds , our #FoodFri tweetchat focused on creating a healthier school environment. Parents scored a huge victory last year when we won the Smart Snacks rule . Now snacks sold in school vending machines...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

Years of Eating Dangerously?

April 11, 2014
Years of Living Dangerously airs this Sunday on Showtime. The first episode, which is highly worth your time, investigates different facets of the climate crisis in Texas, Syria, and Indonesia. The Indonesia segment is spearheaded by actor Harrison Ford who journeys deep into the tropical forest...
Diana Donlon's picture

#FoodFri Tweetchat: GMO Food Labeling

April 7, 2014
Genetically Modified Organisms, better known as GMOs, have been labeled or banned in almost 64 countries , including Russia, China, all of Europe, India and Saudi Arabia. Yet, this is not the case in the United States. Research has shown that GMOs cause diseases like cancer , obesity , and...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

#FoodFri Tweetchat: Reboot + Renew with Clean Eating

April 4, 2014
Another Friday is almost upon us and we can't wait to tell you about this week's #FoodFri tweetchat topic! Join us as we discuss how to eat clean, by focusing on fresh, local produce, and whole grains, with Yoli Ouiya the “Queen of Green”. Feel free to ask questions, share ideas and resources, and...
Migdalia Rivera's picture
