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Has “Breast is Best” Jumped the Shark?

January 22, 2014
I’m a working mother of two small children, and I’ve breastfed them both. In fact, I’m currently somewhere in the middle of breastfeeding my second child, who has cut some teeth recently and knows how to use them, so we’ll see how much longer this continues. And it’s been interesting, being alive...
Jessica Shortall's picture

#FoodFri Recap: Sheds 100 Pounds + Gains Love of Food

January 15, 2014
If you missed our latest #FoodFri Tweetchat, Sheds 100 Pounds + Gains Love of Food , don't despair! We're here to give you the run-down. If you're like many, the New Year is a time for resolutions. Most center their resolutions around improvement of body and mind. Yet, did you know that 92% of...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

#FoodFri Tweetchat: Sheds 100 Pounds + Gains Love of Food

January 10, 2014
With the New Year comes countless resolutions to lose weight. We start off with a vengeance. We're sure cutting calories, writing food journals and heading to the gym will remove help us lose 5, 10, 15 pounds. Yet, somewhere along the line we lose our momentum and our hope. The problem: We want a...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

#FoodFri Tweetchat: Artificial Trans Fat & the FDA - Join us!

December 20, 2013
We're gearing up for another #FoodFri Tweetchat! This week MomsRising and our guest, Tamara Walker, a registered nurse, public speaker and Mom Blogger will discuss artificial trans fat, it's effects on our bodies and the proposed Food and Drug Administration ("FDA") ban. Although artificial trans...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

School Meals are Going Greek – and Green, Local and Trendy Too!

December 19, 2013
If you think that America’s children are still being served mystery meat for lunch at school, it’s time to take another look. Personally, I'm fed up with reports that ignore the real food revolution in school breakfast and lunch. It's as if these folks have never heard about the 2010 Healthy Hunger...
Dayle Hayes's picture

GMO in our kids' apples? No thank you, USDA!

December 6, 2013
There are no two ways to slice this: the genetically-engineered apple that the USDA is about to approve is not good news. Here is why: 1/ Despite what the powers that be are claiming, there is NO conclusive scientific evidence that GMO (genetically modified organisms) are safe for our health, our...
Laetitia Mailhes's picture

American Indian Heritage Day: 11/29 Let’s Eat!

November 25, 2013
Editor's Note: This blog post originally appeared in the online forum Native American Netroots . The recipes come from different tribal nations from across the country. -Elisa Batista, photo credit: Aaron Huey Friday, November 29th, the day after Thanksgiving is American Indian...
Native American Netroots's picture

My Moment of Thanks

November 21, 2013
I don't think I'm alone in saying that, as a parent, I struggle with living in the moment. Usually I'm thinking into the future, running through the never shrinking to-do list, thinking about the next meal, the next load of laundry, and the next impending deadline. So this weekend, when my son and...
Kate Uslan's picture

McTeacher’s Night Buys Silence, Harms Kids’ Health

November 5, 2013
McDonald’s has pledged not to market branded foods to children in elementary schools. Yet a new report released by Michele Simon and Corporate Accountability International describes how educational fundraisers like McDonald’s McTeacher’s Night violate the spirit of the pledge – and worse – buy...
Juliet Sims's picture

Healthy Halloween Blog Carnival with CSPI and MomsRising! #HealthyHalloween

October 31, 2013
Welcome to the Healthy Halloween blog carnival with MomsRising and Center for Science in the Public Interest ! Halloween is a wonderful day for kids--and for moms and dads as well! But none of us want to take on a Halloween-size mountain of candy each of the 365 days a year. Imagine the stomach...
Migdalia Rivera's picture
