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Food is Fuel for our Students

September 26, 2013
When I was a teacher at an elementary school in the Bronx, I noticed that my students had poor diets. They started off their day with candy from the bodega and walked into class with blue tongues. For lunch, some students would eat the school lunch but many would eat their own lunch- usually some...
Catarina Rivera's picture

Former Classroom Teacher Supports USDA Standards for School Meals

September 25, 2013
During my college days as I studied to become an elementary school teacher, Wellness and Fitness for the Child was part of my elementary education coursework. Almost twenty years ago, I remember hearing for the first time the horrible truths about saturated fats, food coloring, partially...
Denise Mestanza-Taylor's picture

Drop the pizza! A cost-benefit analysis of junk food says our kids deserve better

September 25, 2013
~Editor's note: As a mother of three, pediatric clinician and public health advocate, Aliya Hussaini brings a unique and compelling point of view to the conversation about the need to design schools to be environments where the healthy choice is the easy choice. A 2012 study from the Robert Wood...
Aliya Hussaini's picture

My Children’s School Lunch, A Mother's Revelation

September 25, 2013
Allow me to be Captain Obvious for a moment - Proper nutrition is vital to our children’s health. It’s a topic that should not be taken lightly. However, for some reason my husband and I are being entirely too trusting of our school district to provide healthy and palatable meals for our children...

Mystery Meat, Your Days Are Numbered

September 23, 2013
Like most of you out there, I'm a very busy mom. Not only am I a blogger, but I'm also a freelance writer, and photographer for our local newspaper. Throw in all the normal "Mommy" and "Wife" duties, and my plate is full. The last thing I want to be worrying about is my children's nutrition...
Rosalynda Thorn's picture

Tough Love at the Table

September 23, 2013
After much thought. I have come to the conclusion that it is time for some tough love at the table. Elizabeth Tatham with her husband and four children. As the mother of four, I have made it my priority to raise respectful children with life skills of self-sufficiency, and the ability to make...
Elizabeth Tatham's picture

The Great Unshared Recovery: Millions of Us Are Worse Off Than in the Great Recession

September 22, 2013
Officially, the Great Recession ended in 2009. But after three years of “recovery,” there were 6.7 million more people living in poverty than in 2008, a recession year. We’ve been stuck with 15 percent of our people in poverty for three years. In the 2008 recession year, 13.2 percent were poor...
Debbie Weinstein's picture

On Growing Up Poor and Why We Should Save the SNAP Program

September 20, 2013
This post first appeared on I grew up on Food Stamps. As a child, that's all I knew. Well, that, and the long lines we waited in for cheese, butter and powdered milk at the end of the month when food ran out. Or the glare looks from men and women in the grocery lines as my...
Chantilly Pantino's picture

The Shame and the Light of Today’s SNAP Vote

September 19, 2013
Just weeks after the USDA reported that 14.5% of American households struggled to put food on the table, today the House of Representatives passed, 217-210 , a shameful bill that cuts $40 billion to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP or food stamps). Such a move would end benefits...
Elyssa Schmier's picture

Put Meals Before Political Deals

September 17, 2013
This week, the U.S. House of Representatives is expected to vote on the “Nutrition Reform and Work Opportunity Act,” making an unprecedented move to separate the nutrition portion of the Farm Bill reauthorization. As part of this effort, an extreme group of House Republicans has gone all out to gut...
Zoila Sanchez's picture
