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Nutritious Meals Encourage Fuller Lives

September 30, 2013
Like most moms, I try to do the best for my children. I worry about their well-being. I have two small children. My 10 year old daughter is in fifth grade and my five year old son is in first grade. When they are home, or we are out and about, I have a pretty good idea about what they are eating –...
Sofia Bautista Pertuz's picture

Healthy Eating in School

September 30, 2013
This school year, my family transitioned from a homeschooling family to a public school family. As much as this was a welcomed shift for us, I worried most for my 2nd grader and how he would fit in academically. Did I teach him how to write and read well enough that he will not feel self conscious...
Trisha Sheehan's picture

Parents + Schools Working Together = Healthy Kids

September 30, 2013
When I started doing research on schools in my area, I was a bit troubled about the kind of snacks and food I saw on the lunch menu. (These included hot dogs, bagels and ice cream.) In schools where parents could send in their own snacks, I was concerned because there seemed to be no guidelines. In...
Diana Limongi's picture

In My Dominican Family, Food is Very Important

September 30, 2013
In my Dominican family, food is very important. It has been a challenge balancing flavor with health consciousness, but we do our best. I have three children, two who attend independent schools and one step son who attends a public middle school in the Bronx. My step son recently moved to New York...
Cindy Bautista-Thomas's picture

Children Are What They Eat

September 27, 2013
In a society plagued by obesity, with three out of the five top causes of death in America related to lifestyle choices, it's time we did something to save the future generation. The USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) made great steps in this direction over the summer by passing the new...
Sarene Alsharif's picture

A Change To Healthier Foods Today Is Not A Rejection Of My Culture

September 27, 2013
Don’t peg me for a super healthy mom whose kids eat their veggies every day and have oranges for snacks. That is not me, but it is who I aspire to be; and it’s odd to see how much resistance I get because I am on this path. I am a Latina and I grew up equating food with love. Love was making sure...
Cristina Ramirez's picture

Students Deserve a Fighting Chance #healthyedu

September 27, 2013
Author's note: As the mother of teen who was diagnosed with hypertension and high cholesterol at the age of 15, I strongly applaud the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) nutrition standards for schools. The standards, the first change in 15 years, will go far in stemming the tide of...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

School Lunches: Unity in the Quest for Quality

September 26, 2013
My son has had stomach issues pretty much all of his life. By the time he was two, he'd had extensive medical testing done, all to no avail. Finally, we discovered that he had Milk Soy Protein Intolerance (MSPI). Before that point, I'd never heard of MSPI and, although I prided myself on being a...
Amber Dunn's picture

Grateful for School Lunch Improvements

September 26, 2013
Confession. Making my kids lunch every day is hard for me. I’m not proud of this. I am a mom that works in childhood obesity prevention, I have overhauled the snack program at our daycare, I am active in the local food movement, and I’m the mom that doesn’t bring chips or cookies for the baseball...
Kate Uslan's picture

The Good News About USDA Nutritional Standards

September 26, 2013
Have you heard about the USDA Nutritional Standards for school lunches? Based on past conversations, many of you pay for your kids to have school lunch and pack lunches from home for special treats. That is why I was happy to hear from my friends at MomsRising that some major changes had been made...
Kimberly Coleman's picture
