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New study: kids eating healthy school lunch!

March 16, 2015
In theory, the new healthy meal standards make great sense. Who wouldn't support more whole grains, fruits and veggies in school meals? In fact: 72% of parents in the US support strong nutrition standards for school foods; that's a 3-1 margin! A majority of students and public health leaders like...
Karen Showalter's picture

Junk food marketing to kids: four facts that will blow your mind

March 11, 2015
Moms know it’s annoying to see our kids’ favorite characters plastered on boxes of junk food, placed oh-so-conveniently at eye level in the supermarket. And frustrating to see junk food companies sneaking onto everything from scoreboards to schools supplies. Makes me feel a little like this:...
Karen Showalter's picture

#FoodFri Tweetchat: The 30 Day Rangel Resolution

March 10, 2015
During the month of March, Congressman Charles B. Rangel is challenging individuals to join his Rangel Resolution to demonstrate the importance of committing to a healthy lifestyle. The Rangel Resolution is a 30 day challenge that encourages participants to adopt the following healthy habits: 1...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

Why are antibiotic-free McNuggets such a big deal?

March 10, 2015
McDonald’s announced a new policy to curb the overuse of antibiotics in raising the chickens that become their McNuggets and other chicken products. This is a big step towards saving antibiotics and protecting public health,
Anya Vanecek's picture

A Budget With More Waste or More Investments? Tell Congress the Choice Is Clear.

March 6, 2015
Take action and tell Congress our families, children, and communities need more investments and less waste in the FY2016 budget.
Debbie Weinstein's picture

The Sour Truth about Added Sugar and Our Health: And What Food Companies Are Doing to Hide It

March 6, 2015
Moms and dads seek out doctors for advice about their kids’ health. They consult dentists about care for their little ones’ teeth. One thing they are less inclined to do is go to General Mills--the maker of sugary, child-targeted products like Lucky Charms and Go-gurt yogurt-- for the latest...
Deborah Bailin's picture

Good Food Force Update: Dietary Guidelines for Americans, Healthy Salads & more

March 4, 2015
Greetings! This week we're talking about updating the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, school wellness policies and more. Please read, share and stay awesome! Thank you! 1. HOT LINE Updating the Dietary Guidelines for Americans The Dietary Guidelines for Americans provide recommendations on diet,...
Karen Showalter's picture

Four Reasons to Garden with Kids!

March 4, 2015
Soon the cold, slushy days of winter will give way to spring. Meaning ... it's time to think about gardening!
Karen Showalter's picture

Celebrate Women's History Month: Take care of yourself

March 3, 2015
A smile spread across Amy’s face as she strolled out of her doctor‘s office with a clean bill of health yesterday. The sun was shining, and tulips were blooming, as her thoughts turned to planting her first crops of the season. “I love growing wholesome berries and vegetables, “ Amy beams. She and...
Roberta Riley's picture

#FoodFri Tweetchat: School Meals + Physical Activity? Yes, Schools Have Rules for That!

February 27, 2015
Did you know that every school is required to have a Wellness Policy, covering topics like school celebrations and rewards, physical activity, and nutrition education? It's true! According to recent updates, schools also have to engage parents in the policies. This is a perfect opportunity for...
Migdalia Rivera's picture
