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Health Care

Quick action: Drug prices cannot keep going up—the time to act is now!

May 20, 2022
“I am 72 with 3 chronic genetic diseases. My Rx costs are beyond what I can afford and I have postponed getting refills and doing without due to lack of funds. There are millions of us out here. Parents of handicapped children, diabetics, others with chronic illnesses. We need your help. Please...
Tasmiha Khan's picture
Formula para bebés

¡Emergencia de escasez de fórmula para bebés!

May 12, 2022
Debido a un retiro histórico de algunas formas de fórmula para bebés, ahora hay una escasez de fórmula en todo el país y es un gran problema. Esto es lo que está pasando: A fines de febrero, la FDA anunció el mayor retiro de fórmula para bebés en la historia reciente después de que dos bebés...
Elyssa Schmier's picture

Baby formula shortage emergency!

May 11, 2022
A month and a half ago I took a regular trip to the store to buy formula for my 8 month old son. By the time I got to the third store and saw no baby formula in sight I started to panic. I knew this wasn’t normal and something was wrong. Due to a historic recall of some forms of baby formula, there is now a nationwide shortage of formula and it’s a very big deal and not getting nearly enough attention.
Elyssa Schmier's picture

For Mother’s Day, We’re Turning the Tables on Congress with a MOMibuster!

May 6, 2022
This weekend, families everywhere will celebrate the mothers in their lives. But while moms appreciate a handmade card, breakfast in bed, or a bouquet of fresh flowers, the Mother's Day gift we really need is progress toward a care infrastructure that makes it possible for our families to thrive.
Kristin's picture

Top #5Actions of the Past Week: Friday, May 6, 2022

May 6, 2022
It’s Mother’s Day weekend, and we are looking forward to celebrating (and activating!) with all the moms in our lives on Sunday. We also have several ways for you to join us online and share your story with our team. Tomorrow is our MOMibuster - an online, day-long filibuster to demand care...
Sue Anne Reed's picture

Roe v. Wade: We need all hands on deck.

May 3, 2022
Last night, you might have been watching the Met Gala or wrapping up your normal Monday evening activities when a leaked draft opinion of the Supreme Court’s vote to overturn abortion rights landed in our news notifications. Their only goal: to strike down Roe v. Wade, decided in 1973, and strip...
Diarra Diouf's picture

Preguntas y respuestas sobre los niños y la vacuna contra el COVID-19

May 2, 2022
**Esta es una traducción de la entrevista realizada en inglés. Felicia Burnett, directora nacional de atención de la salud en MomsRising : ¿Cómo sabemos que la vacuna contra el COVID es segura, dado que es tan nueva, y existe algún riesgo de tener efectos secundarios a largo plazo? Dra. Christa-...
Felicia Burnett's picture

Military Children Deserve our Best

April 26, 2022
Military families face the same challenges others across America face with the added complexities of a military lifestyle. In the last few years there have been many small steps that have incrementally improved maternal health care and parental leave while still in many instances taking several steps back in the implementation.
Selina Maldonado's picture

Tell Congress: Pass COVID relief funding and end cruel Trump-era immigration policies!

April 15, 2022
We all want to be able to move past the collective trauma we have experienced over the last two years due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We know that access to vaccines, boosters, therapeutics, and tests are critical to combat the virus, keep schools and businesses open, ensure our continued economic...
Donna's picture

Maternal Mental Health Impacts Communities of Color More Yet Care is Harder to Find

April 14, 2022
Tina Sherman, Senior Campaign Director for Maternal Justice, discussed Black Maternal Mental Health with Lina Acosta Sandaal of Stop Parenting Alone on IG Live. They discussed how women in communities of color are particularly vulnerable maternal health disorders yet encounter more barriers to...
MomsRising's picture
