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Health Care

Thriving After Transitioning to a Third Metric Life

May 20, 2014
I recently finished reading Arianna Huffington’s latest book, Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Life of Well-Being, Wisdom and Wonder , and I have three words to describe it: It’s. About. Time. Anyone who has a job that requires constant connectivity can identify with...
Elisa Batista's picture
Nat'l Women's Health Week

When Clinical Obesity Threatened My Health, I Made a Change I Never Thought Possible

May 16, 2014
I sat frozen as my doctor told me the truth. The cold. Hard. Truth. I was not O.K.
Elizabeth Martin's picture

“It Blows My Mind that I Have to Sign a Law”: Massachusetts becomes 21st State with a Law Against Shackling Pregnant Women

May 16, 2014
After signing a bill to outlaw the shackling of women in labor, Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick told the packed room, “It blows my mind that I have to sign a law for that.”
Rachel Roth's picture
Nat'l Women's Health Week

Leaning In or Falling Over?

May 16, 2014
I'm a mom, a stay-at-home mom, with ADD.
Stephanie Lormand's picture
Nat'l Women's Health Week

Milestones: Five Years Cancer-Free, Five Years of Congressional Women's Softball

May 15, 2014
It was shortly after my 41st birthday, and only 6 months after a clean mammogram, that I felt a lump while doing a routine self-exam in the shower. I was familiar enough with my body to know that something felt wrong, and sure enough, my doctor confirmed it with those devastating words – I had breast cancer.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz's picture
Nat'l Women's Health Week

Health and fitness advice from an Olympic champion in swimming

May 15, 2014
Health and fitness advice from an Olympic champion in swimming? With three pre-teenage children, full-time employment, and a frequently-traveling husband, I too find it hard to make sports and fitness a priority.
Nancy Hogshead-Makar's picture
Nat'l Women's Health Week

The Gift of Health with text4baby

May 15, 2014
Moms’ health matters because their family depends on them. That’s the overwhelming sentiment received from our Facebook and Twitter followers.
Sarah Ingersoll's picture
Nat'l Women's Health Week

What My Kids – and The Autism Diet – Have Taught Me About Eating Well

May 15, 2014
Every Tuesday, I try to write something I learn or take away from raising kids with disabilities. This week, it’s a little more closer to home, in that I’m thinking about how raising my children has directly changed my life.
Gina Badalaty's picture

Medicaid & CHIP Participation Rates Show Continued Success of Efforts to Connect Kids with Coverage

May 15, 2014
Recently, CMS released 2012 rates of participation for children in Medicaid and CHIP. For the last few years, our friends at the Urban Institute have been calculating them.
Karina Wagnerman's picture

How the ACA Helps Low-Income Parents – and Children – Succeed

May 12, 2014
A few weeks ago, President Obama announced that 8 million people have signed up for health insurance through the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) exchanges; 28 percent (about 2.2 million) were between ages 18 and 34. But also important for young adults is the opportunity to sign up for Medicaid, which...
Olivia Golden's picture
