Christine Sinatra works in communications in Texas. She is a mom to a school-age child and has formerly worked as a newspaper reporter, nonprofit communications director, and high school teacher.
Christine Sinatra
Christine Sinatra works in communications in Texas. She is a mom to a school-age child and has formerly worked as a newspaper reporter, nonprofit communications director, and high school teacher.
Blog Post List

August 8, 2014
The American Academy of Pediatrics’ recommends that babies be breastfed exclusively for the first 6 months of their lives and that breastfeeding continues for the child’s first year. Unfortunately, a lot of moms who have tried nursing their children can tell you that’s often easier said than done.
September 4, 2013
If you’ve been following us on Facebook or Twitter , you might have noticed that we’ve spent the last couple of weeks sharing some of the great things health care reform is already doing for Americans. How come? Well, for one, according to the Pew Research Center, 44% of Americans don’t even know if the Affordable Care Act is still in effect . And, as a recent Texas Tribune article that summed up polling on the law concluded, even fewer Texans have a good feel for what’s in the law and how it helps them . If you support health reform, why not help get out the word by sharing some facts about...