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Health Care

Talking about Healthcare can be Easy

November 21, 2013
As a member of the MomsRising Wellness Wonder Team, I decided I should host a meeting of people who wanted to figure out the Affordable Care Act for their families. I talked a few friends, emailed a few others, and asked them to spread the word to self-insured and under-insured people. Another...
Molly Wingate's picture

My Moment of Thanks

November 21, 2013
I don't think I'm alone in saying that, as a parent, I struggle with living in the moment. Usually I'm thinking into the future, running through the never shrinking to-do list, thinking about the next meal, the next load of laundry, and the next impending deadline. So this weekend, when my son and...
Kate Uslan's picture

TAKE ACTION: Some great personalized healthcare tools

November 21, 2013
There have been a lot of great tools released recently that are designed to help people navigate the new landscape of buying health coverage. We know that our Wellness Wonder Team members love to use and share these informative tools, so this week I wanted to share some of the best tools with you!...
Felicia Burnett's picture

The Affordable Care Act / Obamacare: What’s in it for Immigrant Families?

November 21, 2013
Para leer este artículo en español, haga clic aquí . “Will parents be asked for immigration documents if they try to enroll their child in a health insurance plan?” “Are there healthcare options for me as an adult immigrant?” At the time of the launch of the health insurance marketplace in early...
Elisa Batista's picture

TAKE ACTION: Have you shopped on the health insurance marketplace?

November 16, 2013
Great news! MomsRising member, Emily, says signing up for health insurance was easy, “I honestly didn’t know what to expect, but when I got to it turned out to be very user friendly and it only took me 30 to 40 minutes to sign-up. And that's because I was taking my time.” Emily, a...
Nina Perez's picture

Dads: Tips on How You Can Help with Breastfeeding

November 15, 2013
Prior to giving birth to our second son, my husband and I had a serious conversation about him being the gatekeeper for visitors at the hospital. I was inspired by how my sister initiated breastfeeding right away after delivery, and wanted to do the same with our son. My husband’s job was to...
Sojourner Marable Grimmett's picture

California Chinese Forums Provide Straight Talk on Obamacare

November 14, 2013
Cross posted with permission from New American Media. New America Media , Question & Answer, Summer Chiang , Posted: Nov 03, 2013 Photo: Chinese Americans listened and asked questions at one of two Sing Tao Daily expert forums on the Affordable Care Act in California. The Chinese-language Sing...
New American Media's picture

We Just Enrolled in Obamacare

November 13, 2013
Cross posted with the Queen's permission from her blog, Queen of Spain blog . ~Eds. Yup. The entire family just ditched my husband’s employer provided health insurance and as of January 1, 2014 we’ll be on a plan with a different insurance company. One that, unlike Aetna, decided to go after our...
Erin Kotecki Vest's picture

What is Gov. Brown doing to make California more 'baby-friendly'?

November 13, 2013
Great news! Last month, California Governor Jerry Brown signed a bill that will make it easier for California moms to start and continue breastfeeding their newborns. Specifically, the bill requires that by 2025, all hospitals in California delivering babies must implement common sense policies...
Anayah Sangodele-Ayoka's picture

20 minutes flat! Time it took Seattle hairstylist to sign up for free health and dental coverage

November 6, 2013
My own daughter is thousands of miles away in college, far from mind, but my maternal instincts kicked into overdrive this morning. I arose bright and early, hell bent on a mission to safeguard the lovely young woman who cuts my hair. Time and again, I've seen Heather go the extra mile for others,...
Roberta Riley's picture
