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Health Care

Important Healthcare Info You May Have Missed!

November 4, 2013
There continues to be a lot of coverage and information about the Affordable Care Act. To help you sort out the most important and useful information, we thought we'd share our favorites from this last week: Healthcare.Gov Technical Problems Aside, the Show Must Go On "While Healthcare.Gov remedies...
Felicia Burnett's picture

Alive because of the Affordable Care Act

November 1, 2013
As a young, healthy man in my 20’s I just wasn’t worried about health insurance, but that changed unexpectedly, and I found myself in the position of wondering if I would have to choose between my home or my own health. As a musician, I've always felt lucky to have enough work to support myself...
Shawn McDonald's picture

Thank you for Increasing Access to Medi-Cal, Governor Brown!

October 31, 2013
California has the largest number of uninsured residents in the country. According to the California HealthCare Foundation, 7.1 million Californians now have no insurance. This comes at a time when more California businesses are cutting health benefits for employees and the costs for private health...
Ashley Boyd's picture

Three Ways to Protect Kids from Junk Food Ads at School

October 31, 2013
Every day, 12- to 14-year-old kids see an average of 15 food ads on television, and preschoolers see 11. Special offers and food-themed games pop up on children’s websites, and companies can now send personalized ads directly to kids’ cell phones. Brightly-colored packages line grocery store aisles...
Sabrina Adler's picture

Surviving Halloween with Healthy Halloween Treats #HealthyHalloween

October 31, 2013
As a mom of two small children I know the struggle that parents have trying to find healthy alternatives to some of the goodies that kids ask (beg, plead, and nag) for. I've joined up with the MomsRising Halloween Blog Carnival because I truly believe that in order for our kids to someday be...
Sarah Heflin's picture

12 Tips to Stay Heart-Healthy This Halloween

October 30, 2013
I'm joining the MomsRising Halloween Blog Carnival because I believe children should live healthier lives. As a Mom and health advocate with the American Heart Association, I'm concerned about providing healthier choices for children and reducing the health issues associated with childhood obesity...
Carolyn Torella's picture

The ACA Could Save My Life

October 30, 2013
In between naps on an early-morning flight to Colorado, I was reading the Summer 2013 issue of Ms. Magazine. I love when my new issues arrive in the mail, and for the next 48 hours I read as often as possible between work and school until I make it cover to cover. But this issue was different, and...
Emily Vrotsos's picture

Healthcare.Gov Technical Problems Aside, the Show Must Go On

October 29, 2013
At the three-week mark, it’s time to admit that the problems with Healthcare.Gov are more than opening day jitters and huge lines at the box office. On one hand, the sheer number and complexity of the business functions that Healthcare.Gov is intended to perform require extremely sophisticated and...
Say Ahhh's picture

Top 8 Questions about the Affordable Care Act

October 24, 2013
For the last several weeks, MomsRising has been reaching out to members to share resources and help answer questions about the new, affordable health insurance options available thanks to the Affordable Care Act. We know folks still have questions, so we kept track of the most asked questions and...
Nina Perez's picture

How Obamacare Helps in the Fight Against Breast Cancer

October 23, 2013
Para leer este artículo en español, haga clic aquí . Two of my maternal aunts suffered from breast cancer when they were in their 50s and 60s. And while their story had a happy ending because they have lived for decades passed their diagnosis and treatments, this has not brought me comfort...
Ruth Vasquez's picture
