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Health Care

Dear White Women: Top 5 Reasons Why We Need a Black Breastfeeding Week

August 28, 2013
The news had not been posted for two hours before the brouhaha began on Facebook. Yesterday, myself and two of my comrades in the movement to shift breastfeeding culture in the black community, officially announced August 25-31st—the last week of National Breastfeeding Awareness Month—as Black...
Kimberly Seals Allers's picture

The Politics of Splitting Pills

August 28, 2013
Emergency Rooms and Lack of insurance create a cycle of poverty for the poorest Americans and disparately African Americans. Last week, when former U.S. Senator and current President of the Heritage Foundation , Jim DeMint , confidently stood in front of crowds of Americans touting the benefits and...
Angelique Roche's picture

Moms Get Real About Race in America: A Blog Carnival in Honor of the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington

August 28, 2013
This blog carnival was updated twice on Thursday, August 29th, 2013. Introduction by the members of the MomsRising Education Fund Board of Directors: Ai-jen Poo , Executive Director for National Domestic Workers Alliance Barbara Arnwine , President & Executive Director of the Lawyers' Committee...
The members of the MomsRising Education Fund Board of Direct's picture

Mami would put her two cents in about your seguro de salud if she knew about it...

August 27, 2013
As the daughter of two parents with limited English language proficiency, I am part of the dual-lingual generation (in my case Spanglish) that straddles the fine line between child, translator, and teacher to their parents. I hated this role when I was a child, often wishing that I could just be a...
Nina Perez's picture

Teaching the Art of Breastfeeding Through Song: Videos Included!

August 21, 2013
The idea to write a song about breastfeeding was conceived at a regional peer counselor conference back in 2011. It was during a group activity in which we were asked to come up with a creative way to address a common barrier to breastfeeding. My table’s topic was breastfeeding in public. It was...
TaNefer Lumukanda's picture

Secret Toxic Chemicals in Glade, Windex & Pledge

August 12, 2013
What's hiding in the fragrances of top brand-name cleaners? You have a right to know--and SC Johnson should be telling you instead of keeping toxic secrets.
Cassidy Randall's picture

Latinas rally across the country for health care for immigrant women: Latinas and their families know #15years is too long to wait

August 6, 2013
This week, the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health (NLIRH) launches its fourth annual Latina Week of Action for Reproductive Justice. With the support of more than 85 organizations, including the partnership of California Latinas for Reproductive Justice (CLRJ) and the Colorado...
Jessica Gonzalez-Rojas's picture

Rural Hispanic Community Holds First-Ever Twitter Town Hall

August 6, 2013
On August 14, the Rio Arriba Community Health Council will hold All Things Medicaid, our first ever Twitter Town Hall. Some of my readers know that I went to Netroots Nation this year to learn how to put together a Twitter Town Hall to help my community, which is tucked away in the Rocky Mountains...
Lauren Reichelt's picture

Kicking Off National Breastfeeding Month with a Salute to Mother-to-Mother Support

August 6, 2013
It seems fitting to open National Breastfeeding Month with a focus on peer counseling and mother-to-mother support. Next to the mother-baby bond, one of the most critical relationships for sustaining breastfeeding can be a close connection between a woman who knows and has experience breastfeeding...
Diana Derige's picture where's the controversy?

August 6, 2013
Read the original post here at the Becoming Super Mommy blog Sixteen hours after he proposed to me, M awoke in an ambulance, rushing from his company softball game to the emergency room. What looked initially like a stroke turned out to be a seizure, caused by several masses in his brain. Six days...
Lea Grover's picture
