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Health Care

Family leave and self-employment

June 12, 2013
I just watched my three year old “graduate” from her first year of preschool. It was a cute ceremony, and the room was filled with parents that sat in long rows with their cameras trained on the kids up front. But it's also 11am on a Friday, and that means I was one of the only dads in the room...
Grant Dotson's picture

It Takes Time

June 12, 2013
I woke up with a startle. It was 1:30 AM and my wife was telling me we needed to go. It was time to have the baby. Luckily, our “nesting phase” had kicked in the previous weekend so we were already packed in anticipation of the big day. Luggage full of extra clothes, baby outfits, books, snacks,...
Brady Bogenreif's picture

Good News! Our Action on CA Kids and Autism

June 5, 2013
I’ve got great news. After thousands of California parents called on the California legislature to protect effective services for children with autism a few weeks ago, our legislators took action! The latest budget proposal coming from the California Senate includes $50 million to ensure that...
Ashley Boyd's picture

Appeals Court Holds That Breastfeeding Is "Related To Pregnancy" (Or Why My Four-Year-Old Understands Basic Biology Better Than Some Judges)

June 4, 2013
By Galen Sherwin, Senior Staff Attorney, ACLU Women’s Rights Project When Donnicia Venters disclosed to her manager as she was preparing to return to work after her maternity leave that she was breastfeeding and would need a place to pump breast milk, she was met with silence. And then told that...
ACLU's picture

Great health care news from California!

May 30, 2013
Five years ago, when my husband was interviewing for his first job as a high school teacher, I remember my parting words to him were, "Go get us some health care!" Although we knew his teaching salary wouldn't be high, we did expect that the health coverage benefits would ease our financial worries...
Ashley Boyd's picture

Get Proactive: Heart Disease Can Be Prevented

May 18, 2013
Haga clic aquí para leer el artículo en español . As a busy working Mom and the sole provider of my family, I worked hard and played hard. I did not want my sons to lack what they would have had in a two parent household. As a result, I drove myself into the ground, sleeping 4-5 hours a day and...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

Sé Proactivo: Las Enfermedades del Corazón se Pueden Prevenir

May 18, 2013
Click here to read the article in English . Como mamá ocupada que trabaja, y la única proveedora de mi familia, yo he trabajado mucho y me he divertido mucho. No quería que a mis hijos les faltara lo que podrían haber tenido en una familia con dos padres. Como resultado, me hundí a mi misma,...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

Health and fitness advice from an Olympic champion in swimming

May 17, 2013
Health and fitness advice from an Olympic champion in swimming? With three pre-teenage children, full-time employment, and a frequently-traveling husband, I too find it hard to make sports and fitness a priority. In preparation for the Olympics, I swam 800 laps a day, and consistently ran and...
Nancy Hogshead-Makar's picture

Parenting with ADHD

May 16, 2013
Today I’m writing for Momsrising in support of National Women’s Healthcare Week . Why do women need their own healthcare week you might ask? Head shaking—because if mom gets sick who will remember that you only like your macaroni and cheese with rotini pasta? Or that the reason you refuse to wear...
Stephanie Lormand's picture

Breast Cancer Patient Had to Become a Fundraiser to Make Up for Insurance Plan Shortcomings

May 16, 2013
Stacy Cook at Senate hearing in April More than 3 years after Congress enacted the Affordable Care Act, both the House and Senate are still holding hearings on the law, covering everything from how the Administration is working to implement the law to what it will mean for our health insurance...
Say Ahhh's picture
