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Health Care

A Baby-Friendly State: How California is Breaking Free of Booby Traps

April 2, 2013
For most expectant moms, breastfeeding is the natural choice. With all the costs that come with having a baby, saving dollars on formula is a welcome change. Plus, breastfeeding decreases a woman’s risk of certain chronic diseases, and breast and ovarian cancer. And, of course, the biggest reason...
Juliet Sims's picture

Defeating The Formula Death Star: Using Social Media to Advocate for the WHO Code

April 1, 2013
As presented at the 8th Breastfeeding and Feminism Symposium: March 21, 2013 “Oh no. It looks like the Death Star.” - WHO Code advocate Last year, the world’s largest infant formula company, Nestle, rolled out a new center for managing its social media, described by Reuters as Nestle’s site for...
Jeanette McCulloch's picture

Healthy environment for healthy children

March 28, 2013
Recently I and other land advocates from all over the country had the pleasure and honor of meeting with congress, senators and house or representatives from around the country to discuss and lobby for land laws that would affect urban agriculture, community gardens and the usage of green open...
Ola Ronke's picture

Ryan Budget Would Defund Health Care, Undo Protections

March 25, 2013
House budget chairman Paul Ryan has released a proposed federal budget that would derail much of the progress we’re making in improving health access for uninsured and underinsured women and families. The Ryan budget plan includes $4.6 trillion dollars in cuts; 59% ($2.7 trillion) of which would...

Congresswomen Hold Press Conference on How the Ryan Budget Would Impact Women

March 20, 2013
Yesterday I had the opportunity to take part in a press conference held by several Congresswomen on what the budget proposed by House Budget Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) would do to women and their families (that’s me standing in front of the flag!). We’ve previously highlighted the ways the Ryan...
Katherine Gallagher Robbins's picture

Why I Like Paul Ryan, But Not His Budget

March 20, 2013
Years ago, I attended an event on economic policy where now-Chairman of the House Budget Committee, Representative Paul Ryan (R-WI), was speaking. After the event, I introduced myself to him and shared that I was a former Hill staffer. I told him that, while I disagreed with nearly everything he...
Randi Schmidt's picture

HERVotes on protecting families from the "Ryan budget": A blog carnival

March 19, 2013
Tomorrow the House of Representatives will vote on the Ryan Budget. It is devastating to women’s advancement and to programs that women want and need. It is the budget that women overwhelming voted against in the 2012 election with a decisive gender gap. HERvotes , with its 52 women’s organizations...
Eleanor Smeal's picture

Top 5 Things to Know About New Budget Proposals in Congress

March 14, 2013
5. Rep. Paul Ryan and the House would make deep cuts in spending, in large part by reducing programs for low-income families Rep. Ryan proposes $5.7 trillion in spending cuts to be implemented over 10 years. Similar to his budget last year, these cuts target programs that benefit low-income...
Mattea Kramer's picture

Why NYC’s Soda Portion Control Is Still Worth Pursuing

March 13, 2013
Earlier this week, New York Justice Milton Tingling handed down a judgment invalidating New York City’s portion control regulations on sugar-sweetened beverages. At ChangeLab Solutions , we were disappointed Judge Tingling blocked the restrictions, but we're hopeful New York City will successfully...
Manel Kappagoda's picture

When The Clock Strikes 26: A Law Student’s Quest to Get Covered

March 13, 2013
Guest post by Julia Lippman Leading up to my 26th birthday, researching health plans was not high on my to do list. This birthday marks my official exit from the young 20s and a hop, skip and a jump away from 30. If you’re like me, you’ve taken full advantage of the Affordable Care Act , allowing...
Aaron Smith's picture
